Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I hate young people

They have energy - They can stay up until wee hours and look/feel wonderful the next day... They're smarter than I was at a young age and contribute regularly to their 401Ks... The bastards have flat bellies after even going back for seconds and thirds when someone brings in donuts at work...

When I was young, to Google meant to walk up 736 steps to the library, get a mean stare from the crotchety old lady behind the mahogany desk who knew exactly how many days it was until your most recent checked out book was past due.. go thru 869 card files to find what you needed.. and then try to friggin figure out the Dewey Decimal system... only to find out the book you needed to see was checked out... The bastards nowadays simply type in their query and 1,923 answers are immediately displayed.

Going to work for them aint mundane - it's fun... They get all hyped up for the next upcoming Holiday and exhibit genuine humongous smiles that makeya wanna upchuck...

They dote upon their young children and it sickens me as I know one day that little rotten turd will smoke cigs at the bowling alley at age 12, wake up in the middle of the night at age 16 and sneak the SUV over to best bud's house, forget to call when they come home drunk at 5am at age 21, and at age 24 they will say they need to borrow $300 when you have $275 in the bank account...

They actually get excited about elections... The rotten bastards can do more tricks with a cell phone than we could with a hula hoop in our day.. They can take a college course from the comforts of their own home on a January snowy day... They don’t have to put aluminum foil on their IPODS nor do they have to turn them any certain way to pickup KAAY late at night...

They make fun of me for saying dweeb, beeswax, bummer, far out, mind your p's and q's... They'll argue with a friend and two days later go hang out and get wasted with same (we usedta not speak for a minimum of six months)... I hate hate hate young people..

Envy? Bite your tongue. The rotten bastards disgust me they've so got it together.. They learn in preschool what we learned in third grade... High School degrees are the equivalent of our BS degrees... and they're able to apply for 89 jobs on Monster-something-or-other in the the time it takes me to type/print/try to remember how much a GD stamp is/and mail one resume.

Young people suck. NO it doesn't have ANYTHING to do with the fact Ill never be young again. What, are you kidding me? I LOVE these wrinkles.

This crap all got started during a recent conversation with a young person I was playing the game all us old people are entitled to play... It's called "Aint it Awful." I mentioned that I was POed about a long marriage going kaput and that I felt kinda cheated.. I further mentioned "ya know, I just aint real sure I've met her." This wet-behind-the-ears (fancy for wonderfully intelligent) young twerp responded "Sometimes I wonder is there is a "her" or "him" or "the one". Maybe there's just "people" and every one we meet brings us something different until we meet the one that gives us the "most".

Damn her for being so with it. I HATE young people. Love, Victurd

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