Friday, December 08, 2006

The Sounds of Silence

"Victor... you haven't written in a coupla days." Nope, I ain't. Sorry - old saying goes 'if y'ain't got anything to say, then don't say nothin' - or something similar to that...

It's just been a little blase' of late. Me thinks the coupla weeks right after Thanksgiving are perhaps the most depressing of any all year. It's bone-creekingly cold... you look in the mirror and think "Ok, you need more working out" and then the bastards bring plate after plate of artery thickening yummies in at work...

Neighbors try to outdo Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation... and it's the first week in December. I guess it should be joyous - but it just reminds me of a happier day that went to hell in a handbasket. Ya look at the check balance online - and wonder howinthehell you're gonna do it (Christmas AND utilities for this godawful cold weahter)... Ok, I know - I'm being a whiny butt. SEE? You asked! I told.

Someone at work suggested "oh, he's just acting different becausa lacka sex." ScReW yOu. LaCk Of SeX hAs NoT aFfEcTeD mE aT aLl. Hehe, ok, mebbe I needta get laid, you're correct. Hell we all need to get laid. Would I find "F-Buddy" in the Yahoo Yellow pages?

Ok, so since you asked - the excitement of the last few days in my life: Monday night - the brakes went out on my car. Uh huh, they did. Ahm, I was rolling past Worlds of Fun - down humongous bigass hill on I-435, and I tapped 'em and thought "oh shit." Thinking further - "oh this could be good... screw the Zambezi Zinger and the Mamba - this could be the best ride Worlds of Fun has seen ever. But - can you start a sentence with but? But - I made it.

Oh, and yes, I went and played Golden T Bowling 'cause I knew I'd haveta get brakes worked on and that meant missing work.. Long about 9pm, one of my "friends" sets a shot of t-kill-ya infronta me. Rotten bastard - it's the last thing I remember about the night - but - I earned it - for I'd done the same to him weeks ago. What the hell. Next thing I know it's 8:43am Tuesday, I ain't called work yet - and I'm naked in bed - alone - and my undies were on the floor in the bathroom. (Yes, strange - I know - and I have no explanation. Hell, maybe I trickled and just took 'em off.) And in the naked light I saw, ten thousand people, maybe more...

So..... I spent Tuesday learning allllll about the life of the chicky who manned the desk at the brake-fixin' place (her rotten ex, her three kids and their behavior, how poor she is, yada, yada.) "We" visited from 9:20am until 2:20pm. $300 later I was finally outta there, the day shot to hell.

Oh, and if you want me to expound: it's -1 wind chill this morning - my garage door is broken.. my roof leaks and a few days back in the ice crap that rained down a 2 foot chunka sheet rock came to visit my bed (fortunately it missed the two cats and I)... checkenginelight still visits me with regularity... my car vibrates DRAMATICALLY when I'm in excess of 55mph - so, I draw all kinda pleasantries from fellow commuters on 435...

See? YOU asked. Oh, and now two tickets to the Chief's game have alit in my lap - and I've no one on my shoulder. Any takers? See? YOU asked. Sometimes, rather than insert size 10D shoe in mouth, me thinks I oughta just say no to the keyboard.

May your parts not freeze - and your pipes neither. May you exhale shortly after inhaling. May you pee and poop with regularity. May you go to sleep with ease. May you hear your alarm. (Bastards - why didn't you wish that one on me?) May you keep chin up without getting a damn neck ache.

And the vision that was planted in my brain still remains..Within the sound of silence.. See? Toldya I shoulda kept quiet. Love, Victurd

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