Monday, December 11, 2006

Men don't cry......

Screw that. I cry - and I have absolutely zero guilt associated with that. Seems lifelong men have been told "don't show your emotions" - again, I vote "screw that."

Dunno if any of you caught last night's Extreme Home Makeover - but I'll surmise if you did - you as well probably sought out a Kleenex to catch the tears...

Story of a young married couple - they both were employed by the Los Angeles Police Department - went thru the Academy together - actually ended up being partners for three years - over time fell in love - and then I guess a baton of a different kind came out (hehe) and they married... later, they produced a gorgeous baby girl...

As hubbby/wife, they could no longer be work partners - so the pair was split.. Early one morning this past summer, 8 hours after they each had run in a Marathon to honor fallen comrades - Kristina - in her role on the LAPD Gang Division - got out of the squad car - chased a culprit on foot - atop a flight of stairs - he fired at her from point blank range... Her new partner thought it was the end of her... as she lay on her back fading in and out of consciousness - he calmly talked about her baby girl Jordan in hopes of keeping her in her fight for life...

The bullet hit her arm bone - ricocheted over and thru her spinal chord - and she was left paralyzed from her chest down.. In one second, her/their lives were changed forever.. As a hubby/wife team - their modus operandi had always been "work hard, play harder." They surfed, ran, walked, played. Active.

Their small pad wasn't conducive to life in a wheelchair - with tight nooks/crannys, cabinets "way up there", clumsy makeshift ramps... Extreme Home Makeover, with the assistance of sponsors - and literally hundreds of California cops, fireman, skilled workers and volunteers - erected a wondeful abode that attempted to pay back Kristina for her efforts in protecting and serving...

It had every amenity known to mankind in easing life from a wheelchair - including a baby crib low enough she could now put her daughter in and out of bed, a shower large enough she could wheel in and out by herself, a "tracking system" that was remote controlled that literally carrier her anywhere in the house allowing her to remain mostly independent, a wheelchair made especially for navigating sandy beaches - and even an adapted custom surfboard for her to surf with hubby...

This written word cannot come close to portraying the emotions exhibited by LAPD members, the cast and crew of EHM, and the family members themselves... Maybe "ya had to be there" I dunno.. Several times throughout the show I literally balled like a baby... The cats stared at me - and I wondered aloud had I been with partner in bed - would I have responded the same - and yeah, I think I woulda.

It was a "hurt good" kinda thing. Why has our day and age come to the point that "you go to a fist fight, and guns come out"? On the scum end of the spectrum - life has absolutely no valuation. Twas so redeeming to see the efforts of so many - screaming out WE VALUE YOU - and are thankful for you...

Call me a wussy if you like, but pass me another Kleenex after you do... Love, Victurd

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