Thursday, December 21, 2006

205, 53, 235.......

I'll maybe look at that a year from now and wonder whatinthehell was I writing about... Anyways, the 205 - I'm finally back down there again inspitea all the plethora of goodies they set out at work for Christmas...

53.. Old buddy of mine - birthday yesterday... Here we are, bonified old farts, and we're pitching quarters for money... With a little juke box, bowling and Miller Lite thrown in... I don't think I'll ever grow up - and as long as I ain't hurtin' anyone - that kinda tickles me! (The 235 was my kickass bowling score, hehe... one pretty regular bowling partner always bitches about this-n-that: "THAT shoulda been a strike!" - so it was very good to enjoy the nice score while he was participating.)

Geez Louise it's foggy out... I'm part blind and my headlights don't work so I'm in a helluva mess.. (Oh, and another quote I saw - "never take a blind date to a silent movie")...

The concrete buddy was there again too last night.. He doesn't know a stranger.. and, as the night progressed, and more Buds were tossed - he exclaimed "I just love people" as we philosophized... I thought about that - and yes, I do too... but I also must admit I tend to filter with the ones who are chirpy... So, if I purposely don't associate with those that kinda always scowl - does that mean I don't love all people? I guess I'm all about rollercoasters - and we sometimes do have to put up with the downs as well as the ups...

Oh, and I know this is "on the edgea my seat stuff" (I'm reminded of "THE NEW PHONE BOOKS ARE HERE!!!!") - but I am the proud owner of four new pair of boxer briefs - with stripes even.. hehe.. and white socks.. bastards at the gym were looking at me funny for not wearing any socks... piss on 'em if they were upset with the holey undies... Just kidding, kinda. I do have one pair (why do they call undies a pair?) that needed to be thrown away - probably when Reagan was in office - but hey, sometimes when I put off doing laundry I have no choice - even after flipping the good pairs a few days... hehe...

So, in closing, may you have a life without skid marks... may you love all people - even the ones who'd have to stand on their head to smile... and if you ever wanna flip quarters, bowl, share a joke, drink a Miller Lite - bring it on.... Love, Victurd.

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