Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This is all broken up... doesn't make any sense...

Here I sit brokenhearted...
Came to write... only farted..

Weathermen lie...

I wonder if most bosses are bosses in their personal lives?

Why do kids nowadays have spelling tests when there's spellcheck?

Why does Gates make each and every Microsoft Word thing more difficult than the last? I mean, if I don't want my fucking letter capitalized, I don't want it capitalized. Just because I finished the line above and my next word happens to be the first word on the next line, GD I didn't just begin another sentence - I'm FINISHING one! YES, at times I appear/am an idiot - but PLEASE, LET ME THINK FOR MYSELF!

If I'm having a bad day... does that make it acceptable to walk around brooding?

If someone at work walks around brooding, is there free reign to bitchslap 'em?

I've noticed some days the coffee pot at work is full EVERY time I get coffee... Other days, EVERY time I make a copy - the GD machine jams... Ya think the little pricks from Ricoh know when you're having a bad day and they sit in their techo-pads and somehow do this on purpose?

It's acceptable, anticipated for women to bitch and moan a few days every month. I'm an equal rights kinda guy. I've decided from now on, I will 'celebrate' manstruation from the 28th of the month to the 31st. On months having only thirty days I will randomly pick another day that month to be a 'bitch'.

Sorry, today ain't Pollyanna day. I know I know I've smothered this cruddy blog with "how cools" and "be nice" and "be thankful" and all that crap. Today I just ain't "in it."

Oh, other things I hate are when B gets upset with C, and B runs to A to tell.

I hate it when people tell two minutes stories in ten. (HEY, are YOU talking to ME?... Maybe Victor. I think this might be a day you need to sign off early.... Watch it butthead or I may smack you with my bag on the way to the squatter!)

Ok... fair enough... You go on Victor, you idiot. Go on and have your bad day while the remainder of us stare at you with the belief you are acting childish. Sometimes life just ain't fair buddy - cowboy up.

Eh, maybe you're right... I think I'll play Louie Armstrong's Wonderful World to try to get outta this funk......

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, who's been fuckin' with my speakers? GD (Gosh darnit) I HATE when those IT folks mess with MY computer (that the company owns!)...

Ok, maybe you're right. Sorry to act childish. I'm going now. On the days when you ain't quite 100% - hang in there. It's Ok to sit out an occasional dance. Happy day........

(Editor's note: Apologies to all for the F-Off mood. I got to work very early. There in my mailbox was a joke about the electricity going off during a gal's mammogram. I'm sure it was sent with good intent - and it was sent because someone cared about me enough to hope I'd add a smile to my day... - but I lost my sister to breast cancer - and somehow I've reflected bitterly. Apologies. I guess bitterness is a form of greiving. I love you Vanda.)


Anonymous said...

Victor, sorry you have been having a bad day. Just remember the sone from Annie "The sun will come up tomorrow!!!"

Hope you have a better day and remember we all have em and they do get better!!!

Smile anyway!!!


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