Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I hate when that happens......

I'd never make it as a reporter. I laid in bed (last night and this morning) trying to think of subjects, ideas to write about - and duh, blank. Wouldn't it be cool if on day you picked up the morning paper and there in the Editorial section was a headline "Johnny Journalist ain't got nuthin' to say today, so rather than fill space, he'll be back tomorrow." So, I ain't gonna fake anything, reckon I'm just gonna tell the truth - my mind is currently blank. Yucko huh?

Spose I could stop and simply say thanks for some things that are probably taken for granted: thanks to whomever invented the starter on my 93 Taurus.. thanks to whomever invented my tenny boppers and the nifty shoestrings that don't come untied when I go up escalators.. thanks for coffee.. newspapers...

coworkers (most of 'em)... payday... the power to select what kinda radio station i listen to on the commute.. the smile the lady at the gas station wings out every morning.. thanks for Jackson, my cat, whom I love dearly simply because he's got the kutzpah to not necessarily feel the same way toward me..

thanks to whomever invented heaters for waterbeds... gel for hair... electric razors that you can unplug and use as you commute - which I do and some people think that's weird as hell - eh, who cares...

thanks for bloggers who know when to stop when they ain't got nothing to say. HEY, you talkin' to ME? Yes Victor, I was. Ok, Ok. Seeya. Call someone today you've wanted to talk to but just ain't taken the time to do so. If you got $20 extra bucks, screw it, go to a store and spoil yourself - life is short. Send a snail mail - it's so refreshing to dig a personal note outta all the advertising crap that now comes in the mail. wing an email. believe me - I know what an empty mailbox feels like - so.. reckon we should learn to get 'em, ya gotta give 'em. Toodles.


Check engine light said...

Sure Rae... it's and great day to you as well..

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