Thursday, December 20, 2007

Whatever floats ur boat….

What floats ur boat? Reading about Reid and Soanya (eh, if you don’t know, too late in the game to describe)… but their boat is floated by mainsails, staysails, foresails, and Reid is continually fixing them, adjusting them, raising them, lowering them, pulling them in.. I no comprende sailor genre - but, it’s an interesting read, ole Reid.

When you wakeup in the am… what do you look forward to? Is there anything you can’t wait for? If something enduring was taken away - would your boat sink?

Everyday highlights for me, the simpleton. Waking my contentious sleeping son as gingerly and as happily as I can so the lion doesn’t roar.

Driving to say “hey” to Annette, grab my 20 ounce coffee, a baga salted peanuts, and however GD much gas the going rate is to drive round trip Liberty to Grandview. (We’re currently at $11.50/day in the Hot…. Rod…. Lincoln.)

Do you wakeup and haveta watch such-n-sucha news channel? I love Joel Nichols sense of humore - but it’s not a haveto… Usually, I’m here… Catching up on Yahoo, Hotmail, and CNN…

Does the morning bath/shower float ur boat? I will admit, whilst I’m hurried, (I’m a bath person) I LOVE my morning baths… Sit back like the King of England… Ensconced in luxury.. Dreaming of deity.. It’s a good feel…

Emails float my boat… A cyber nerd? Yeah, prolly. I see it as a ‘touch’ though… Life is all about touching, and emails are a ‘touch’ - even if the click to add your name is only a millisecond.. For that millisecond.. Eyes, thoughts are on you…

Pets float my boat… I’d give my right arm and left nut to be considered a creative writer - but I will never match the ‘creative sleeping’ of Jackson… my ole’ Maine Coon cat. Waking up is like “Where’s Waldo?”.. on the sofa embedded in three blankies?… on the loveseat sunk inbetween somewhere between the pillow and the armrest?… in the empty cardboard box in the kitchen?… a good ole shake of the food sack lends assistance to where he’s “motel”ed it last night…

People watching en route to work.. Eye-makeup putter onners… Cell phone addicts.. “Drive like Kendra’s” types (I just robbed a bank, get the F outta my way).. Low-riders… u know, the dudes that have their seats leaning back so far, you simply can’t imagine their eyeballs being able to see over the dash…

Regular ole regular shit at work… Same bunch at the pre-work smoke break.. Learning about each other’s lives… “Did you see _____ last night?” And if we didn’t, they’ll fill us in…

The differences in folks… Take a look around.. Yes, even look in the mirror.. There’s some weird sumbitches out there.. Perhaps us included… Rough to walk a mile in some shoes - but fun to observe and imagine from the sidelines…

COOKED FOOD. You’d have to be a bachelor to understand.. And COOKED FOOD does not include: Banquet meals, hot dogs, frozen chicken nuggets, frozen burritos, Chef Boyardee Ravioli, Frozen waffles, yada yada yada.

I’m talking sit down, read the menu, have that shit brought to you. As you like it. Breakfast at lunch. The BBQ beef special at the place the gay men own.. The Numero Dos at Jose’s place.. Food, as I like it, floats my boat.

Smiles on others, floats my boat. Smiles on others, when times are tough, floats my boat like onea those GD Florida bigass fan swamp boats that literally lifts up off the water…

I could go on and on and bore you s’more… so I will… hehe…

A sweet golf drive when u hit that sumbitch JUST right… YES!

Being lucky enough, as I was yesterday, to catch the wonderful “There is a God” purple/blue/light orange sunrise… and then see that crap allover again in the Western sky on the way home.

Getting home is a boat floater… Calm. Peaceful. “Whew.. I’m there.”

Staying up until the bod/eyes tell you - it’s time to call this a day… Ahhhh, landing in that bed.. No bosses to say “do this”… no “have to’s” to be done… Reaching the point “eh, if I’ve forgotten something today I was supposed to do - it’s Ok.. Life is long (we hope).. I’ll do that shit Friday.. Or mebbe Sunday..

A dog’s devotion, excitement.. An email from family… hearing the word “love”… seeing an incredibly athletic play on TV… seeing an incredible butt, no matter the venue.. Catching your favorite food on sale at the Piggly Wiggly… finding a penny head’s up… Hearing “thank you” from a friend… “Thanking” a friend…

Sex. Ok, call me a pervert if u like. If it doesn’t float your boat - then u must be the leading candidate for the Democratic office of the President.

Sunshine. A good read. A cig when ya ain’t had one in awhile.. Seeing an old friend.. Doing something small, but helpful and getting thanked. Someone doing something small, but helpful, and thanking them…

Gatherings… Gatherings float my boat.. Be it a work party.. A party arranged by co-workers.. A party of all similar types at the local establishment.. A family gathering…

Alone time. I enjoy alone. I’m never really ‘alone.’ I always think of people, imagine what’s going thru their brain.. Be it Brittany’s now Prego 16 yr old sister, or, the server at the local establishment… mebbe even the guy behind the counter at Phillips 66 who works overnights - and never ever is without a smile..

Yesteryear. (GD Victor, we’ve witnessed that one. It’s like you ain’t hearda GPS and you’re stuck in the 60’s/70’s).. yeah baby, that works.. ‘twas a great time.. It floated my boat.

Victor, you’re rambling. Thanks. Bitchslaps float my boat. I hate being thought of as hideous. Rambling. Boring. Too GD philosophical.

It’s my hope, as you read the stupid stuff that daily floats my boat - that you as well perhaps gained a greater appreciation for daily crap that floats your boat. Boat floating is an upper.

We go thru life adjusting our mainsails, staysails and foresails.. But do we appreciate the ride of our floating boat? I admit, sometimes I forget. Hey, let’s makea pact. That shit we enjoy, and mebbe take for granted. Tomorrow. Tomorrow we won’t. We’ll form even bigger ass wrinkles on our face from enjoying the moment.

Thanks… thanks for being here.. Your eyeballs float my… eh, I know, it’s beddy-by time.. Loveya, Victurd.

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