Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Life’s Tasers….

Life always has bumps and swerves… curves and turns.. valleys and mountains…

Most of us… when there ain’t nothing dire going on, are milked into feeling (upon occasion) “oh shit… why me?”… “I hate this (job, car, drive, coworker, outfit, food, price of gas, movie, TV show, sermon, color, style, song, event, outing, “have to”, bed, belly, tub, sink, closet, clutter, house, neighborhood)……….. All kindsa shit.

We moan. We groan. It’s important. It’s right infronta us. It’s a priority. It’s essential. It’s now.

And thena life Taser hits you - and after the initial shock - you gain a new/great appreciation.

Death is a Taser to those left. We revisit the photo albums, the videotapes, the DVD’s.. We takea sniff of their cologne, perfume.. We keep an article of their clothing nearby to visualize. As we walk in our shoes, we occasionally emulate them.. We miss their humor.. .their love.. their being…

Divorce is a Taser - even if you are the departed… (or so I would imagine! Never been on that end!)… The inlaws… perhaps your social club additionally… it still can be good - but it’s changed.. the little ones won’t know you as well… some even pop up after it’s over.. And the older ones can find themselves pressed for conversation in visits…

We’re Tasered by jobs… by hurtful things some say directly, or that you heard they said about you.. We’re Tasered when someone we had placed upon a pedestal, very badly slips off…

Hell Winter can be a Taser… Floods… Storms… Electricity going out…

Lack of money is a huge Taser we never think of… we can perhaps see others with nice things and be shocked with the reality “I’ll never have what they have.” “I’ll never have it easy like that.” “I’ll never go (on a cruise, to Hawaii, see Alaska, spend a night at a 5 star hotel, eat at that restaurant, etc, etc.)…

Through it all… good somehow follows… Friends sense a friend who’s been Tasered, they offer a lift up.. they lend an ear.. It makes you have a greater appreciation of having that friend, and directs you to also be a good, true friend in the future..

It’s hard to write ‘good comes after death’ - but in a roundabout way it does. You value everything a little greater.. Yes, specifically your loved ones,… but those around you… the smiles you see.. as sappy as it sounds, the Kodak moments… (no, I didn’t just get here, but, surely Kodak makes digital cameras.. no?)

Divorce is again, a shitty Taser - but it truly does give you a great appreciation for every future minute spent with another of the opposite sex…

Weather Tasers are easy to follow up on.. I LOVE THIS SUNSHINE. Can you believe the color of the trees? Low gas/electric bills in April/May… September/October.. Just having the light come on when you hit the switch is appreciated…

When something sad or bad happens to a loved one. You feel for them.. You love them even greater… When they do smile, it’s more memorable… Their touch even somehow kinda feels neater… You appreciate every minute you spend with them.. You watch them when they don’t know it… you remember back to 19-yesteryear… You revisit their life in fast forward fashion…

Good follows sad or bad. It follows death. It follows the bad in the every day shit we deal with.. Good follows crappy weather.. Good follows divorce… Good comes - even if we’re never able to start a savings account. Good comes in being poor.

Good follows life’s Tasers… Certain that’s not shocking to you… (and remember, I write to me too)… This too shall pass… Worry is like a rocking chair.. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere..

Life is kinda like that stupid Mole Arcade game.. Are those moles? You Tase ‘em, pound their ass, but the sumbitches keep popping right back up.. As we walk this incredible walk, so shall we.. So shall we.

Loveya, Victurd.

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