Saturday, September 01, 2007



In science… when there’s a question… why is followed by research.. Oft times, the research helps lead to an answer, an explanation… a cure… answers are found..

In an ended relationship.. We ask why… Normally, we won’t know, or don’t know the answer even though it probably festered and stared us in the face for some time… so the answers were there - we might have been wearing blinders…

In forming children into adults… they’ll question “why?”… .Why must I do this… Why can I not play out after dark.. Why do we lock our doors at night… Why can’t I have more ice cream.. Why does that man walk so funny.. Why doesn’t that lady fix her teeth… Why must I share with my sister… Answers… to all…

Why do we have rules at work… at school… at play… we must… to conform.. To coexist… in the sense of fairness to all…

Why do we rarely/never hear from that old friend any longer… Why do our bodies become frail as we age… Why do we not pickup the phone and call those we love more often…. Why do we occasionally let house repairs linger in disrepair until it comes to being a have to…

Why opens our ears to understanding… to learning… to observing... to remembering… to repeating... to listening… to responding… to questioning… to thinking…

Why is usually answered by a boss… a parent… an educator… a coach… a physician…. A friend.. A loved one… sometimes we even turn the why question back to the one who asked - and let them try to reason/deduct… there are reasons to ask why, and for virtually every time why is asked - there’s an answer…

This morning I watched a beautiful young couple bury their two-month old infant who recently succumbed to SIDS…

For this why there is no answer… May God bless his soul and lend comfort to these grieving parents…

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