Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rubik’s Cube…..

Funny, there are 54 “facelets” on a Rubik’s Cube… That be my age…

Life is a Rubik’s Cube… We hurry, we try to solve. Do do something and.. “nope.. .that don’t look good.”.. “nope, that ain’t right.”

“GD this is getting frustrating trying to find ‘right’, trying to solve Rubik” (life).

Some dude has been timed solving it in fitteen seconds. That’d be kinda sucky, figuring out all there is to life in fitteen seconds. Then whattaya do??

We hurry (I know I do anyways) to get there… to find utopia… perfection… and for idiots like me (Pit Boss where I dealt craps long ago after I’d toppled a stacka $25 chips for the 93rd time that night - “Victor, you have the hands of a sturgeon.”) He’s right.. I probably do.. And I’ve noticed sometimes I go thru life like that.

This turn, that turn. Wrong turns. Wrong house. Shuffling shipments at work to try to get all the colors lined up on the correct side.. Seems to always be that one outta place. Howinthehell do I ‘right it’?

I bet that bastard, said lovingly, giggled as he shipped the very first batcha those GD things.. He knew there’d be peoplea cussin’, sweatin’, waiting impatiently for their turn, throwing it, stomping it, pulling the colors off and repasting them so we could cheat our way to perfection.

Rubik (life) is just a game. Reckon it ain’t the end all that’s the most important.. It’s the gettin’ there… the fun… the sometime angst… the enjoyment.. the camaraderie.. the trip… the ride…

I love games… I love this game… I reckon solving Rubik would be kinda like an orgasm. GD I hate these “hands of a sturgeon.”

May you have fun with Rubik. Enjoy the twists and turns. If you should solve it.. Go ahead and give it a few “oh baby oh baby”s… but… don’t let that shit go to your head.

Love, Victurd

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