Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Done now…..

Finito, finished, over… all there is…

Everything ends… Thoughts of “done now” go thru our brain almost constantly… Could be the simple drive into work… Breaktime… The 5 o’clock bell… the drive home…. “the day”… the peepers - done being open for the day..

Watching a Chief’s game.. I was done at halftime last week…

Friendships… sometimes we stand back and say - Ok, I’m done. When the effort on one end outdoes the effort on the other - you reach a point where you say “done now.”

Jobs. You either increase your skills and become more attractive to a better $uitor, or.. You’ve had enough… done now…

A meal… you sit wanting.. You devour.. And devour… s’more… and s’more… and you reach the point “done now.”

Cooking a steak - different “done now”s to suit each..

Popcorn… begins silently, slowly, methodical.. Starts going faster and fasTER and FASTER, FRENETIC.. BANGING POPPING. .and then.. . Almost to the bursting point.. And then… slow, baby pops… done now..

Sex… begins silently, slowly, methodical.. Starts going faster and fasTER and FASTER, FRENETIC.. BANGING POPPING. .and then.. . Almost to the bursting point.. And then… slow, baby pops… done now.. Hehe..

Christmas shopping… FINALLY done… no… wait… doesn’t look like enough.. So and so has more than so and so… back out… impulsive buys… ok…. U look at bank balance.. Ahm, done now.

A behavior. Could be one that’s bugged others forever - but it finally smacks you in the face hard enough to realize - that’s ugly.. I don’t like being ugly.. Done now…

A project.. Wallpapering.. Painting… building… fixing… putting in a new alternator… done now.. (AND NO PARTS LEFT!)

A relationship… you wonder exactly when, how one gets to the point - done now. Could it have been years they wondered if ‘done now’.. and what puts someone over the edge enough to say done now…

Telling kids it’s time to leave the playground now. Done now. NOOOOOOOOOOO… and they act hissy… weird… outta sync… like you just stole their last penny..

I remember once at the Lake of the Ozarks - when Maynard was 3, brother Denton 12.. We’d taken this nifty portable wading pool with us… maybe twelve feet round with two foot tall walls.. Came time to go… My father (Maynard’s grandfather) - rather than scoop all the water out - simply put his foot on the edge, pushed down - and the water was gone in a millisecond… prompting Maynard to say “YOU STUPID IDIOT.. WASTE HIM DENT!”.. I laughed… perhaps.. That’s why I’m “done now.”

All things end. Victor, will this blog ever end? Yes, as swipe. Now. Done now.

Happy day, love Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Victor, I am sad to say but I believe Gartman and I are 'done now" as well. The end sometimes sucks. But with the end comes a renewed hope for the future. Good Luck with your end, Vic! Love you!