Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Wait is an interesting word…. Victor, is this gonna be like another Seinfeld friggin’ episode? Ahh go brush your teeth harsh breath, just lemme speak… k?

Wait is soooooooo very friggin’ diverse.

We think of waiting in line. In a line. I remember from my Sonic days (“Victor, do you know what your problem is? You’re too God Damn nice!) that, for every minute a customer waits, it feels like three to them.

Damn daddy I don’t miss those days.. Whenever a car beeped in an order… “the wait” started.. Goals… we had goals… had to serve ‘em by such-n-shucha time.. (All the whilst there was a clock/$$$ thingy that computed your labor costs/versus your sales…)… I couldn’t wait, I hadta follow it, observe it…

Whaddya say to someone who’s been waiting that’s PO’ed to begin with? “Welcome to McDonalds may I take your order?”…. or… do you go the rebel route and say “geez :Louise, I feel some crunches could do you some good mister… would you like a look at our Healthy Menu?”

“Wait a second” is reserved for someone who’s got something important to say.. But it’s on the tippa their tongue.. And we must wait.. Whilst their brain tries to recall what it is we’re waiting on…

“Wait justa minute” is conjured up by someone who’s slightly pissed off… perhaps offended by whatever action it is you’re taking.. And they makeya stop and think.. “gulp, am I doing the right thing?”

“Wait justa GD minute”: comes from the mouth of someone you’ve really perturbed, and in most instances, it pays to listen to their retort, for you never know if they’ve worked for the Postal Service or not. (Please know… I HAVE.) hehe.

“WAIT!” can be said to young punk at street-crossing… Mandatory.. Emphatic…

“Worth the wait.” This could be anything from the dude that hung out at Best Buy until midnight for their 20% off sale ( bought a 47” HD TV) to the feller that’s been pouring out dollars on the chicky he’d always dreamed of being with… and….. Uh huh… he was…

“Wait”… said as a last resort to a group that outnumbers you… and you’re hoping they’ll listen to reason….Usually, you’re outnumbered, and this request goes for nil.

“I can’t wait!”… Kids at Christmas time.. Dude in like third month of dating same chick.. Group of twelve trying to get in/out of joint for lunch in the allotted 60 minute time.

“You just wait”… a threat… “You’ll get yours”… Because of some action we’ve demonstrated, we’re instructed to wait for the payback. Never really understood this one until ex’s like 8th month of pregnancy and said with wink of eye by momma inlaw….

“Wait”… for Christmas… for “her”… for “him”… for tomorrow.. For 5pm… when we toss and turn - and await alarm clock… for the baseball season… football… opening day of hunting season (NOT me)… for a better day… for our mate to get home.. For a concert… a gathering.. The weekend… the reunion…

“I can’t wait for the next blog so hopefully it will be something of quality versus this shit.”

Opening up MSN, Yahoo, SBCglobal, and waiting for the return email to the one you’d sent.

Putting you’re heart on a limb, and awaiting whether it will be met by a chainsaw, or, by a ton or Miracle Grow….

Ok, I know you’re awaiting the end of this blog. I’m waiting until 11pm to retire. I’ve waited for friggin’ ‘her’ for like six years now… I’ve waited to do laundry due to insufficient funds this week (tomorrow is a “flip ‘em”)… I am VERY anxious in this wait for ‘her’, but I hope it’s after said laundry day…

We spend virtually all of our life in wait. The phone call. The letter. The next task. The next communication.. .The next interaction.. The next invite… The next RSVP… The next blog…

I’ll wait to calculate… lemme see… separated in 2001... (she rode off on a Harley)…. Been waitin’ since (for “her“, whomever she may be)… and.. Using the rule “for every minute one waits, it feels like three”… then that’d make this the year 2019...

Wait a minute on that thought. Yikes, wait!.. Just waita second.. Wait! Please!. Would you wait a minute?… Can you wait a sec?…

Waiting frustrates me. If it does you, and you’re 40-something (or hell, 50-something) rich, blonde, divorced and well off… please call me at 867-5309.…

I’ll be waiting…. Love, Victurd…

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