Sunday, August 05, 2007

Oh shit.....

Shit here being slang for “stuff.’ Oh stuff..

Oh is a fun word…. It’s said when people realize something. It can be a pronounced observation for the number zero.. It can be the abbreviation for the State of Ohio……

Seinfeld and cast utilized the “oh” word the best… Twas used in placea thoughts, and we knew what thoughts they were thinking….

There’s Sadaharo Oh, the great Japanese home run slugger….

McCartney’s Oh Darling hit the top of the charts… There’s Oh! Oxygen Network, Oh Yeah! Cartoons on Nickelodeon..

We say ‘oh’ mattera factly when learning something…

When someone gossips dirt on another (“I don’t repeat gossip, so listen close the first time”) we’re taken back, hand to our chest, gulp, and spout out “ohhhh.”

When rumors afloat of “why do you think Suzie spends so much time in Arnie’s office?” Ohhh…

A realization. A summation. A response.. Can even be a tad bit judgmental..

Ohhhhhh, I see.

Homer adds a D infronta his.. D’oh! (The boy did it!)….

Oh shit (we get an overdraft in the mail.)

Oh shit (car pulls out infronta us.)

Oh DAMMIT (hammer hits finger insteada nail head.)

Oh oh oh oh ohhhhh ohhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhh OHHHHHHHH OHHHHHHH YES! YES! (well, you know that one.)

Men, I understand, use the oh thingy, but I hear there are ughs and ga’s in there too.. Oh, oh, ohhhh, ugggh, uggggh, ohhhhhhh, gaaaaa, gaaaaa, #$^&*&*#%$%$^&%!!!!

Huck sang “oh ma darling oh ma darling.”

Oh can be used to highlite conviction: "OH YES THEY DO!" "OH YES HE IS!" "OH NO YOU DON'T"

Oh ma’am, you left your purse..

Oh my, I didn’t know that.

Oh’s even in OMG. (fear, disbelief, surprise, anger, pain.)

In Russia, oh is o. Spanish = ah. Norwegian = a (with a dot over it) German = ach

Oh they’re coming to take me away hee hee ha ha ho ho….

Oh thanks, but I’m staying at home tonight…

Ohhh Lucy…

Oh rocks… it allows us to express our feelings without having to get jiggy wit it… it helps us finish in sex… it assists us in learning… it’s like a pinprick into the balloon of frustration whilst driving…. It gives us time to thinka what we wanna say… it comes off as if we at least have some interest in what a boring person is telling us…

Oh, I gotta go. Do you think Sue and Arnie really….. OH MG… (Can’t you just see that BIF nekkie?!!! BIF, btw, is this lady‘s physique… you know.. Butt in front..) Oh my. Oh shit. Oh ma darling. Oh darling.

Oh oh oh oh oh oh, you don’t have to go oh oh oh oh oh… Oh but yes I do. I’m oh’ed out. Oh-ver. Done, finito. Oh-K. Until next time oh wonderful blog reader… Love, Victurd.

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