Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Justa lap around life............

It always amazes me the range of a single word. Kinda like that chit that was going around in the 90’s the Six degrees of Kevin Bacon….

Lap is sucha word. In the last couplea decades, laptops have changed our ways. Feller can sit in a chair at the airport, avoid the line of fitty infronta him, logon to the airline’s website, and hustle up a nifty bulkhead aisle seat in a few clicks.

The lap is technically defined as the area, when sitting, between the belly and the knees. (You might be a Redneck if… you paid $20 for the first kiss of your future wife.) Uh huh, lap dances. I always hated ‘em when I danced. The pennies got too GD cold.

Ex sister inlaw hasa yappie lap dog. Fugger’s jealous if another critter or human comes within a few feet of threatening the lap he’s sitting in. Other dogs ain’t quite as anxious, so they go lap up some water.

Lyle Lovette landed in the lap-a luxury when he wedded Julia Roberts. Again, WHAT was she thinking?

De Plane! De Plane! Kevin Bacon was in Only When I Laugh (1981) with Kristy McNichol. Kristy McNichol was in Two Moon Junction (1988) with Herves Villechaize.

Ralphie. Poor Ralphie. And thousands, millions, kajillions of screaming snotnoses who are pushed to sit on Santa’s lap to tell Santa of their wishes…

Dunlap. My belly done lapped over my belt, but I ain’t friggin’ givin’ in. I’ll stretch this 36” for eighteen years until I get real old and skinny before I’ll buy me a 38.

Laps. Swimming. Track and Field. Jimmy, Jeff, Dale, Tony, Richard (The King), AJ, Danika… Waylon and Willie and the boys..

Lapped. That’s when either you're old and working out with kids. Or, you really suck and you shoulda picked another sport.

I was married twice, and I ain’t gonna ‘kiss and tell’ on this. Was in onea the exercise binges I was on. Ex hitchhiked along with me. Raining. So, we went inside to the track at the local college. “How big is this track?”.. “It’s a tenth of a mile.” “Yeah? So how many laps does it take to walk a mile?” (Hint, gym/track was built after #1 and I were history!)

“Why don’t you drop me off at the High School track so I can run a few laps whilst your at the grocery store?”… K… so she did. Thirty minutes later I’m laying in the grass alongside the track. I couldn’t move. Torn meniscus. Several walked by. “You ok?”… “Ohhh yeah… .I’m just resting until my wife gets here.”

Overlap. Could be paint on a place you don’t want paint on. Our paths overlapped. My bigass belly overlapped the lap baby to shade him whilst I piddled on the laptop - lapping several in computerized blackjack. Lap dog was pissed, wanted up. “Go lap up some water you little lap-yap.”

Life’s overlaps. For me, this era is the parta life without the resta my nuclear family. It’s sad - but ya go on, and you go on for them. You carry them with you. You wonder what life in the overlap for them was before you? Dad married a Collin’s gal. One of three sisters. Feller asked him “Did you marry the pretty one or the smart one?”… ‘Both” I think was his answer! Pretty and smart overlapped in my mother.

We go on to different laps. Jobs. Adding friends. Not seeing/talking to friends in a long time - ne’er forgotten. We remember the ‘lap’ of our life when we could actually run. Get by on four hours of sleep. Planned like hell for our occupational future. Now we worry like hell on how much longer we’ve got, and whereinthehell is the closest door to finally end this lap of work.

Passion. Lap it up. Friends, lap ‘em up. Weather, lap it up. Family, lap ‘em up. Memories, lap at them often.

The laps of a roller coaster. The laps of life. Life is generally a lap of luxury. And we can’t forget the Far East catching on and buying into Fitty-Cent, Emenim, Tupac… ah.. “Lap Music.” (So solly)..

All this lap crap has made me a tired sap. Think I’ll wrap the lap up, trap me up sumpin like a Julia Roberts. Wonder if I did, what degree I’d be to Kevin?

Love, Victurd

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