Friday, January 04, 2019

Walls... not that one........

We, both sides of the wall, so to speak - are probably dreadfully tired of hearing and reading about it - so let's not go there.

My buddy Bubba. He's one of the nicest dudes I've ever met. Always a smile. Ya down? Bad mood? Ya tired? Ya just wanna veg out and stay the heck away from people? Well, ya can't with Bubba. He's the type of person, you see him, and in a millisecond he makes you feel good simply by the way he greets you. Uplifting. He puts you on the stage. He just makes ya feel good.

Bubba is a builder, in more ways than one. A retired Auto-worker, he started swinging his hammer long, long ago under the tutelage of his father. He put in his 40 hours, and sometimes 40+ at General Motors - then he'd go build. Hand me that 2 by 4. Hey, grab your hammer. No, not like that, like this. Somewhere along the way, he started his own company - has built many a house. Being 60-something now, he ain't "going like 60" like he used to - but he still builds.

Quite awhile ago - one of his best buds, a fairly successful entrepreneur, asked him to build a house. A really really big house. On TWO lots. A humongous, long ranch style home. Longer than you can throw a baseball (well, at least at age 60-something anyways.) So big, the surrounding neighbors are calling it "a strip mall." Bubba worries about his work. I tell him that's why he's damn good, but he still worries. Perfection, down to the inch, that be his goal - and he sees to it that's how it's done.

I've watched him now for a good, long while on this house.. Meeting with owners... architect.. Specifications.. City codes.. excavators.. bids from all kindsa contractors.. foundation.. plumbers.. cold weather.. rainy weather.. amendments to plans by owner.. rethinking, redoing everything..months and months and months.. and, for that very long time - we, friends at The Bubba Table (our almost daily gathering of old farts) have teased him "How's the big hole coming?"..

Presto - this week, the walls are going up. Yum, yeah, heck to the yeah. A super glistening to his already glistening eyes.

My name is Victor, but I will be "Frank" for a moment. I woke up 'low'. Mad at my eyes, body, 'awakedness', because for whatever reason I felt down. I got to thinking about everything in our world going on. I got to thinking about Facebook, yes, probably too bigga part of my life. I'd be lost without it - but there's certainly hurt (walls) within. It was just then I reminded myself "Victor, you're a pretty big idiot. Life is grand. Get your butt to the computer and write something POSITIVE about walls." YES SIR, whoever in the hell you are, I'll try.

Shortly after checking my checking account and savings account this morning, I found a pretty cool (to me) website. After checking those accounts, I said to myself "Self (thank you Richard Pryor, I will never forget you were the one who said that first).. self.. you could probably use a job." Uh huh, I probably could - so, MEBBE, just mebbe, this website will hire me as a stay at home in my jammies, drink my coffee, absolutely shutdown from 3pm to 4 (The Ellen Show) and I could promote their site:


They sell wallpaper, murals, decals with inspirational quotes, easy stripe, yada. Uplifting sayings. Oh yeah Victor? Like what?

Like "Love more, worry less".. Uh huh, and?

"All our dreams come true.. if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney. Yeah, I've hearda him, he's from Missouri ain't he? Uh huh. OK, go on Victor..

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?"... yep, continue..

"Wake up. Kick ass. Continue." But Victor, we've already beaten the Broncos twice?.. Aye yai yai.. and...

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." Albert Einstein. Albert, you ain't gotta worry about me on that one.. what else?

"It's a good day to have a good day"......... "You are living your story.".... "Believe there is good in the world."

"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible." Audrey Hepburn. Thanks Audrey, I'm hep to that.

"A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."....... "Love more worry less."..... "Do something everyday that scares you." I likes that one, I really likes that one.

OK Victor, we get the idea. Chirpy sayings they are, thanks. Is that it?

Well... ahm no, actually it ain't. Since you asked, I'm actually starting a GoFundMeWallsNeedLove site. Simply gimme your credit card info, and for $266,873 I will arrange to have each and every positive-thinking wall decal rushed to your door (Free shipping, ha, take that "Prime.")

Victor, you are nuts, go back to bed.

No I ain't. All it takes is one sale for me to summons Bubba (after he builds the 'strip mall') to come build me a bigass house with nice walls. Heck, the folks that faked that homeless guy forking over his last $20 made over $400,000. Live and dream baby. (Hey, "Live and Dream baby", ha, that'd make a good decal!)

It's the end of this blog..... don't be a dog.
That is all.
Let friends in, don't build a wall,

By Henry Sheetrock Gibson,

Love, Victurd

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