Wednesday, January 23, 2019


Again, the struggle with topics....

Finding myself tired, lacking energy occasionally, I thought about writing about that... what could be done to change all that.. but, #1, I'm old (that, me thinks, lends itself to one being tired) and #2, I shouldn't attempt to step where I don't know whatintheheck I'm talking about...

Very quickly on that, of course, consult with your doctor. There could be many reasons (in addition to simply being an old fart like me)... and he/she could help there...

While we're on energy, most of the suggestions I found Googling are, of course, things we probably already know:

Get enough sleep
Take your vitamins
Do strength training (I hadn't thought about that correlation, but they say "resistance training is one of the best ways for people over 60 to boost their energy levels.")
Drink more water
Partake in healthy foods.
Take a 5 minute walk ("if you are tired and the craving monster is beginning to make noise, you might consider taking a 5 minute walk. It really is amazing how invigorating a short walk can be.")

"Spend time with Lilies not Leeches." Oh baby oh baby does that make sense. Not respected? Feel like you have to hide a piece of yourself? Energy drained?.. It's a thought I didn't think of - but - I feel maybe easy for us all to see/feel/experience knowing exactly why it's advised to congregate with Lilies, and not the other kind.

BLOG IDEA #2. Baggage. Did a tab bit of research.. ending up deciding "Victor, these are really two negative ideas to blog on, move on." Agreed, but before I do - one of the best articles I found related:

There are two kinds of baggage. EXCESS (the kind we are well aware of... the baggage you see but choose not to acknowledge or unload can become a problem.) And HIDDEN baggage, ie, tolerating a job with countless hours, low pay, no appreciation (back to that term 'leeches' eh?), or maybe a self centered friend who will talk your ear off because "you've always been quiet anyways," again - leech comes to mind.

Their suggested cure? Make a list of the critical ways your baggage has impacted you. Write down things like: “I was neglected as a child, so I have relationships where I am neglected”; “My parents escaped from pain by overindulging in food/alcohol/ drugs, and I do the same”; or “I have always feared failing, so I don’t put my best foot forward with my family, friends or job.” THEN,

Put this list in your purse, billfold, backpack, briefcase, yada.. carry it wherever you go. THEN, in 30 days,  it's time for a symbolic gesture to let it go. Take the list out. Reread it. Then, say "I'm letting this baggage go." Tear it up, throw it in the trash, or throw it in the fireplace to burn.

I liked all that. Seems just becoming cognizant really helps.

THIRD IDEA.. Death touches us all and it's occurred all too frequently of late. Life is short. Make a call. Send a text. Write an email. Touch. Love. Don't be a stranger. (I write to us all, me of course included.) A buddy today shared info of one of our classmates passing.. His words perhaps summed it up best:

"Let's all take more time for each other. Love begets love."

God Bless,

Love, Victor

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