Saturday, January 26, 2019

Sex positions.......

WARNING: Pictures are graphic in nature. Enter at your own risk.

Now that you're here, do you really think I'd do that? HA!

My buddy Google relates...

"Most denominations of Christianity, including Catholicism, have strict views or rules on what sexual practices are and are not acceptable.Most Christian views on sexual intercourse are influenced by various interpretations of the Bible. Sexual intercourse outside of marriage, for example, is considered a sin in some churches; in such cases, sexual intercourse may be called a sacred covenant, holy, or a holy sacrament between husband and wife.""

"Hindu society, in general, perceives extramarital sex to be immoral and shameful."

Muslim men, both Shi'ia and Sunni are allowed to marry permanently up to four." (That would get a tad expensive around Valentine's Day, or even at Applebees.)

"Unitarian Universalists with an emphasis on strong interpersonal ethics, do not place boundaries on the occurrence of sexual intercourse among consenting adults." (Damned Hippies).

"Shakers believe that sexual intercourse is the root of all sin and that all people should therefore be celibate, including married couples. The original Shaker community that peaked at 6,000 full members in 1840 dwindled to three members by 2009."

Today's blog is ultra short. (No comments from the peanut gallery please.)

WHAT? Not the kind of sex positions you were expecting?

To all intents, constructions and purposes - this blog is written to simply prove one thing: YOU are a pervert! HA! (The blog thingy automatically compiles numbers on readership, and it's simply a guess they'll be a tad higher today.)

Most who read this are very old like me.....

The fine print to those: You/we are too damn old for that position, this position, uh huh, that one too.. and the one over there, nope. Flexibility is a thing of the past. Are you serious? You/we have trouble tying our shoes! You/we simply have trouble getting up from the floor, how on Earth would one do that one! I've heard about how you hop all around the damn bedroom trying to put the other leg in your undies! We can't even do the floss move on the dance floor, howinthehell are we gonna... oh, nevermind.

Remember the last time you played Twister? Uh huh, what I thought. (I was the first one eliminated too.)

I removed full length mirrors from my home forty pounds ago. If you still have one, and insist upon fervently actually exploring this "sex position topic" - my advice to you would be:

Since you INSIST, try to find one'a them hotels where you insert quarters into the gadget above the bed so it vibrates. That's about as exotic as you or I should get without Doctor consent..

Good vibrations to you all,
By Brian Wilson and Henry Gibson,

Love, Victurd

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