Thursday, January 10, 2019

R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to me..........

OK, so this is maybe political. Scratch that, it is political. I know that ain't fun for many. So, with pun mebbe intended, turn left if you wanna.

The below is not from my lips (but I endorse). It's research I did because and in part answer to someone who asked me why it is I feel the way I do. (And yes, I have opinions on each and every event, but don't necessarily feel I need to share my reasoning with anyone.)   I, for one, am human, and admit to slipping, failing upon occasion. That said, maybe we could all stand to model much of the below.

Following the Golden Rule. In Christianity: The "Golden Rule" was given by Jesus of Nazareth (Matthew 7:12 NCV, see also Luke 6:31). The common English phrasing is "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Using good manners, not bad language.

Practicing tolerance.

Being considerate of the feelings of others.

Not threatening, hitting or hurting anyone.

Dealing peacefully with anger, insults and disagreements.

----- "There is no respect for others without humility in one's self." Henri Frederic Amiel -----

-------- Teaching kids respect --------

Stay calm...
Identify the cause
 Model being respectful
Use positive discipline
Earn, not demand respect
Apologize for mistakes

----- "The 7 Qualities of People Who Are Highly Respected" Jacqueline Whitmore/Entrepreneur Magazine -----

Be Polite
Act Respectfully
Listen well
Be helpful
Don't make excuses
Let go of anger
Be willing to change

----- On treatment of people (George H. W. Bush) -----

"America is never wholly herself unless she is engaged in high moral principle. We as a people have such a purpose to make kinder the face of the nation and gentler the face of the world."

I respect those who tell the truth no matter how hard it is. Integrity is everything.

"You don't have to disrespect and insult others simply to hold your own ground. If you do, that shows how shaky your own position is." Red Haircrow

Respect is earned. Honesty is appreciated. Trust is gained. Loyalty is returned.

Treat people the way you want to be treated. Talk to people the way you want to be talked to. Respect is earned, not given.

"It's always been a mystery to me how people can respect themselves when they humiliate other humans." Mahatma Gandhi

There can be disagreement without disrespect.

If you lead, bear in mind all that you lead.

"If we lose love and respect for each other, this is how we finally die." Maya Angelou

Love, Victurd

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