Thursday, January 31, 2019

Close your eyes and.....

Well... The Beatle's song would suggest "Close your eyes and I'll kiss you..." but that ain't what this is about.

This is about "And the Oscar goes to....".. but if you're thinking this is about the upcoming Academy Awards, no.. that ain't what this is about....

It's really about Life.... Huh? The Cereal? The Board Game? The Movie?

Victor, you've given us a Host of things... "Close your eyes,"... "And the Oscar goes to,"... and "Life."


Close your eyes.. imagine the Academy Awards... of Life! (Except, in this year of 2019, everybody and their brother/sister has a baby skeleton in their closet - so, the real Oscars ain't got no Host... but in this blog, YOU/ME are the Host!)....

OK, I'm kinda understanding.. Do I have to dress up to walk on that ritzy red carpet? No.. .heck, even pajamas are ok.

First, let's talk about the Statues.. I really hadn't analyzed 'em... from afar, they look like some dude with his arms crossed in great consternation...but as ya zoom in closer, it appears to be someone, yes, in great consternation - arms crossed, but holding onto a tall microphone.

So........ in life, we do that. We cross our arms and consternate this, that. Perhaps a statue of "The Thinker" would be more fitting, but, someone, some day, invented, drew, cast the Oscar - so that's what we have.....

So...... consternate your life. Cross your arms. Think.

Walk down that red carpet. Strut baby, we don't get many chances on stage in life, so, strut. You look fine. Up those steps, behind that podium - and stare out at all those in the audience who have touched you in life. Yep, that's a lot. Yes, scattered will be empty chairs - for there are many in our lives who have touched us, helped create "who we are" that ain't no longer here.. RIP, but they'll always be here, in our minds.. Us, the Host.

Categories. The game show Victor? No, not the damn game show. The Oscar categories - of life.

For example, Best Original Song. We each have our tastes in music. Our own criteria. Our own reasoning behind what is our own "Best Original Song."... For me - Victor, nobody asked. Yeah, I know, but I'm writing the blog so you're stuck. For me, the criteria is: my song kinda tells a story about my own life.. my song is fun, upbeat.. and mebbe the biggest criterium (is that a word? should be)..when you pull up to a stop sign, and there's a good chance your neighbor, your preacher, some kid you taught coached, someone you maybe sang in the choir with - IS NEXT TO YOU in traffic - you don't care. You crank that mug up as loud as you can, BECAUSE, because it has won the Oscar (your Oscar, in your life) for Best Original Song.

My own? I thought you'd never ask. It's "You can't always get what you want" by the Rolling Stones (oh life's lessons!) The long version is 7 minutes, 4 seconds. I turn it up to a level threatening to burst my speakers, but I don't care. It puts me in a zone, a happy place, not a care in the world. I absolutely WILL NOT turn the car off until that song finishes. What song wins the Oscar in your life for Best Original Song?

Best Animated. Yum, I love this award. Think about it.... Animated: lively, spirited, energetic, excited, enthusiastic, eager, alive, active, vigorous, vibrant, bouncy, bubbly, sparkling.. When thinking about this, and who would win in your life - does it bring you smiles? Does me. I'd have a REALLY hard time picking just one - and hey, that's ok if it's the same for you. My list? My sister, my mother inlaw, coworker Kendra, and, don't laugh, a couple hounds in my life, Smokey and Nascar. Hey, animation often involves dogs, and when you reread all those traits (to me anyways) dogs certainly fit in the role. Who perks your heart when you think about the Animated award winner in your life?

Best Costume Design. Where'd your eyeballs go? Mine went to a few buddies who, in my lifetime, I've told "If I had your clothes, I'd throw mine away." Classy. Stylish. You hate (love) 'em because they always wear 'what's right.' Your choice(s)?

Best Foreign Language... hmmm... I have relatives who speak French, they're on the list.. A buddy I worked with at an airline (cool dude named Fernando Papi - and he said his name real fast [Fernando Papi] and he was famous for the phrase "It not my yob man, it not my yob.).. My award would have to go to a buddy who actually speaks English. Huh? Yeah, a fun, fantastic buddy who moved here from England 40 years ago and I STILL can't understand him! I won't embarrass him. Your thoughts, in your life for Best Foreign Language?

Best Makeup and Hairstyling? A great field.. Many, many, along the way in life I've admired. You?

There are so many Oscars to award in our lives... for the sake of time, and fear of you falling asleep, we'll switch to "The Biggies."

Best Actor. For many, I assume this would be your husband. For me, and most men I would believe, it's our BFF. Many, many great, truly wonderful friends in our lives - but there has to be a winner in this category and my own personal choice is easy - my buddy Sanford. We don't see each other like we usedta, but when we do, it's just like it was when we were in 5th grade so many years ago. Who is the Best Actor in your own life?

Best Actress.. Again, assumed your wife. Or, very well could be your BFF like above. I have to go with my ex here (the mother of my child).. So many wonderful women in my life (Yes Victor, we've observed.. Bite me, maybe I'll put them on the Supporting Actress list,)..this one (and the best actor) could be a tough choice for many.. Yours?

Best Director... I've had many wonderful bosses. Many wonderful teachers. Many wonderful coaches. Of course, God. And heck, even (or especially) our parents! I've got a list in my own mine but I won't bore you with it. Please take this moment to reflect on who has been the best director in your life?

Best Picture. This one is broad. Could Best Picture be the view from your shoes of the ultra-happiest time/era of your life? Could it be the very favorite place you've been to, and you will never forget that Best Picture in your eyes? Fun to think about. I am so thankful for all my favorite ultra-happy eras, just as I am to all the beautiful places I've been to, seen in my life time. Close your eyes. (I won't kiss you!).. but think on your Best Picture(s) of life.

It has been pointed out "Victor, you're stuck in yesterday"... Frankly my dear.. Hey, speakinowhich, Gone With the Wind won TEN Oscars including Best Picture!

My Best Actress used to tell me (lovingly) "Victor, not everyone gets excited about your ideas like you do.".. Frankly, er, I mean, that's cool.

I like to sit in my easy chair. Close my eyes. Cross my arms like Oscar. Reflect on yesterday, the year before, 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago and remember all the great "movies...songs...animations.. roles.." of my life. You?

Popcorn?... And... drum roll... your Oscars go to?"....

By Henry Oscar Gibson,

Love, Victurd

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