Tuesday, May 01, 2018

You should always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise, they won’t come to yours...

I came to the computer with a blank mind today. Victor, no one cares. I know, just xplainin'.

There is MUCH good. Today is May Day, not to be confused with mayday. The weather is yummy. Them sprouts that sprouted last year are sprouting again... The morel to the story is Spring has Sprung, thus, it's mushroom season.

Levity. Some, no likey fun, funny. I happen to be a fan. So, as I sat down, I thought about typing something fun... I thought about doing a Green Eggs and Ham, but changing the words to Don and the Tam, but that would piss half the people off and that's a lotta pee, so didn't.

I thought about writing about Sports and what it's taught me, how someone has to lose, someone has to win, what that teaches, what I've learned from winning, how to be a winner, what I've learned from losing, and how to be a good loser ---- then I remembered, "To keep interest in a blog, don't write about yourself, unless there's tons of self deprecation." Nah, not today.

BUT... sports did turn me to Yogi, as in Berra - not the cartoon, but, he was funnier than a cartoon. A quick Google turned up "Yogi Berra, considered one of the best catchers in major league history, died of natural causes at the age of 90 Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015. The Yankees legend and Hall of Famer may be better known for the way he creatively butchered the English language, with what became known as Yogi-isms."

For me, Yogi is just what the doctor ordered for today. Light, fun, semi nonsensical - bring it on life, you can't wipe this smile offa MY face.

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded," which, reminded me of 152 Highway traveling West outta Liberty.

"He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious," which, of course, reminded me of a friend who, once after partying, accidentally drove his VW into a pond.. managed to get out, watched, observed "A Volkswagon will definitely float, but it won't float indefinitely."

"Pair up in threes," which, is kinda like life. It ain't always perfect. Foursomes aren't always gathered in golf.. 5th wheels often make for a perfect friend dinner/outing.

"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore," hell, ain't that the truth. Is there anyone else out there who pulls up to gas pump, does all the preliminaries, sticks the handle in the tank and regurgitates as the damn $ numbers keep scrolling, and scrolling?

"The future ain't what it used to be," hell to the yes. Me no understand (most) millennials. Me remember when treble hook was used to ensnare a catfish, not used as a facial adornment.

"It gets late early out there," wow, Yogi we old farts understand this one completely. We have enough trouble spelling "Auld Laing Syne" let alone staying up to hear it. Thank goodness for networks adding a 9pm newscast.. "Here's Johnny" has turned into "Who's Jimmy?"

"It's deja vu all over again," yep.. I never understood pillboxes labeled SMTWTF. How can one forget whether or not they've taken their damn pills every day? Adding to my 'grocery list' - pillbox. I will put it in my short's pocket, change to jeans cause it's supposed to rain, get to WallyWorld, not have my shopping list, and it's deja vu all over again. I do know what you mean Yogi.

"I usually take a two-hour nap from 1 to 4," ME TOO Yogi! I usedta have an extension cord by my bed so I could plug my phone in to see how long my nap was.. it shorted out.. now I just go nap and don't give a rats if it was 30 minutes, and hour, or from 1 to 4. I hearya brother.

"If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else,"... what amazes me about Yogi is that he said all of this whilst young... but Yogi, we old farts can REALLY relate to what you said there.

"I never said most of the things I said,"... Life is, can be, about editing. Yogi, I know I've done what you said.

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Oh Yogi, if you only knew. I remember driving to Metro North one day, thinking, "I know the way like the back of my hand" and I wound up in Buckner.

"The towels were so thick, I could hardly close my suitcase," Yogi, this is where I tell on a friend. She stayed in Marriots for work. She always took a cheap, crappy pillow with her on the airplane, and upon her return, she had a fluffy, perfect Marriot pillow on the airplane.

"Take it with a grin of salt," the older we get, the more we understand this. What once used to make us huff and puff, now, causes us to sit back and laugh - even when the joke is on us. You got it Yogi.

"I don't know if they were men or women fans running naked across the field, they had bags over their heads," this one was added as a simple reminder that Saturday, May 5th is Worldwide Naked Gardening Day, so get your carrots/spuds and melons out there.

"We made too many wrong mistakes,".. we can relate Yogi, grin of salt though.

"You can observe a lot by watching." Another hell to the yes Yog', we know that one. The older we get, the more we sit, so there ain't much else to do besides watch - thanks for the reminder.

"It ain't over till it's over." Ah Yogi, thanks, beats the hell outa Green Eggs and Ham, Don and the Tam.

It's over.

Love, Victurd

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