Thursday, May 10, 2018

If only..........

If only life came with auto-correct WHILST living, behaving in life.

If only life's moments were on video or print, and we had the ability to cut, edit, backspace, yada before the final edition eeked out.

If only it were as simple to coach/teach/parent/advise our own self, as it is to do so for others.

I think I'm gonna cut and paste this one on my pillbox:

"The mark of a wise person isn't never making mistakes - everyone makes plenty of them. Rather, it's the ability to quickly admit - and fix - them!" Whitney Tilson

If only........


No one thing:

I've lived, I reckon that's what. I've erred, aplenty. I've gone down roads only to rethink "damnit Victor, why did you go down that road?".. I've stared at the mirror (aplenty) and chastised "You stupid idiot, why did you say/do that?"

I think maybe you're being to tough on yourself?

Nope. I think though, it's all of us. We all have regrets - we are all imperfect. Some of us, get do-overs and have even demonstrated butchering that as well.

Sorry this blog ain't about farts, rulers tattooed on penises, 10" tall male dogs that live their entire life with a 20" tall female dog and are never able to make whoopy. This is more about making oops. Oh shit moments. I have 'em. You have 'em. We regret 'em. We all deal with it differently.

The sternest sounding board, to me, IS the mirror. Sometimes it's hazy, got streaks allover it, sometimes the lighting ain't so good to see it - other times it's magnified and it lets you know "Yep...see that? That was an EAR HAIR moment in life.... you proceeded to make a pretty big ass of yourself so live with the consequences."

Consolation. When I think of consolation, my coaching days remind me "damnit, you lost the first game of the tournament, you'll never be champions." Thus, the reminder "So, you giving up? Is it all over? Or, you gonna buck up and do your damn best from here on out?"

Pigpen. Pigpen walks in the mess he's created throughout life. It follows him, it exudes from him, patooey. (I write to me, for me, hitchhikers welcome) - remember that Victor - you can't be like Pigpen.

I guess there is consolation eh? If one didn't care - held no remorse for butchered actions, words, choices, yada - life would be pretty sad. Sadness comes to us all - but it comes back to Whitney's quote above.. "admit/fix."

I ain't down - just remembering, pointing out to myself - rose bushes have thorns, be careful, tread lightly.. if I/one errs, it's ok, just have remorse, try to do better, so you ain't gonna be in the championship game - the resta the way, show the fans you got guts, care, concern, fortitude, fight - but most importantly, the will to admit, correct one's mistakes. With life's glory, come the (real) story - never lose sight of that fact.

That sounding board.. yeah, the mirror. Kiss it occasionally - as we are all beautiful. Human, but beautiful.

By Henry Gibson.....

Love, Victurd

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