Friday, May 18, 2018

"There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle." Deepak Chopra

Fill is an interesting word.

As one who likes to blog, I really know what it means to figure out whatintheheck to fill a page with.

*Run, for one second, if political goodies bug you.* I don't think it's a secret there are a good amount of folks who aren't too fond of DT, myself included, "had our fill" so to speak. I think he's a narcissist, I do believe I used the verbiage 'hate' (To feel intense or passionate dislike for someone) person told me (again and again) I was a hypocrite to "preach nice and respect" and say that I hated him - assuming he was speaking of blog. First, I hope you know I don't MEAN to preach if it comes across that way. Purpose of this blog, hopefully, is to uplift, make this sometimes crappy game of life light. So, I decided to rethink my position on DT and I've reached the conclusion I think he's a narcissist, I do believe I will (continue to) use the verbiage 'hate' (To feel intense or passionate dislike for someone)... Nanny nanny boo boo stick your head in Trump doo.



Deepak, while I am amazed by much of what you say, not real fond of your quote up there. We, the old farts still kicking with reasonably sound mind.. you know, the ones of the "Huh? Why? NO, ain't gonna/gotta do that" era - think "must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle" is a bit restrictive.

Side note, a company I worked for had the idea - to give every employee one piece of a jigsaw puzzle which would eventually be one big pic of our the company logo..... the outline was posted on a wall where everyone would see during routine traffic of the joint. We were all to find where our piece of puzzle was to go, put some glue on it, affix to puzzle, so we could attain that rah rah "all for one, one for all" kinda feeling. Everyone, EXCEPT one, complied. While my blood type I THINK is "B positive", turn left here for it's my second 'negative' of this blog: it was very symbolic of that place I worked, the empty space, the lack of cohesiveness. (And NO, it wasn't me.)

Wow Victor, you are fill of it today.

Yeah, that kinda fill "to put into as much as can be held or conveniently contained * fill a cup with water" begs the old half full, half empty question. Next fill diddy.

Fill: to cause to swell or billow * wind filled the sails. Is there anyone else out there besides me, that whenya go to an All You Can Eat Buffet, that's exactly what you do? I hate love when that happens. Slovenly walk to the car after, but damn it, gluttonism was fun whilst doing. Red line under gluttonism, don't care, should be a word.

Fill in the blanks. What the heck, let's continue negativity. Have you run across the experience where you deal with a new company, be it health provider, newspaper, something you're ordering, personal interest group, yada - and you painstakingly (on the computer) fill in every dadgum blank they have.. hit "send" and it takes you back to the original page (ALL THE GD, gosh darn, BLANKS EMPTY AGAIN because you forgot to fill in so-and-so.. so, you must start and this can happen - at least it does has to me, time and time again. I usually take a time out to grab an extra blood pressure pill around the third time.

Fill an office (please no more politics Victor).. Fill, as in gold filled bracelet. Fill one's shoes, please no, reminds me of Hosmer, Cain, etc.. Fill: as in to draw the playing cards necessary to complete - fill a straight of flush in poker.

Smoke filled the room. Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah and they've obviously taken their eyeballs off the pot roast.

Fill cavities. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to the dentist, had hella work done, boo koo shots to numb me.. It was mid-day, I didn't eat prior cause I didn't want the Doc/hygienist to say "yuck, look at all that crap." So.. starving, I was starving. I drove straight to McDonalds, hadn't talked to a soul.. the snotnose (said lovingly) asked "May I help you sir?" and I replied "I waaaaa.. ah.. I waaahhhnnnntt" -> my mouth was still numb, I made an idiot of myself, thirteen people were staring, twelve of them laughing, but I finally spit it out (filled my order, so to speak)... Yes Victor, you told us that one before. Sorry. Kinda.

Fill, it's all how you look at it. There's a difference between "they filled the conference room" and "his fart filled the conference room." The glass is half full. The bastard leaks. I'm old, I've had my fill of high cable bills, arthritis, taxes, Uncle Sam, millennials (some, sorry, kinda), the price of crude, crude people, discrimination, and filling in more things that old people get tired of. It IS our right to gripe though, we're entitled, oops, there's that word.

Fill Me Up - Buttercup.

Ok, outta here. Gonna make a list of "to do's" to fill my day that I won't do today and will transfer over to tomorrow. Time to fill my size 36" shorts with size 38" of body. (sorry about the visual).

I've had my fill of fill. You?

As the beloved children's radio show host Cowboy Bob, after giving his all to fill the kiddos with a fun hour show, once signed off, kinda sorta forgot to turn off the microphone and added, "There, that oughta please the little bastards."

Until next time, when I once again will preach "nice" and "respect",

Love, Victurd

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