Sunday, August 28, 2005

Not my favorite word... but close.

Passion is my favorite word... Passion is all about feel. Passion for a mate, passion for a task, passion for a job, passion about a hobby, an art. Full steam ahead... blinders... let it all out... total immersion... oh baby, oh baby.. passion. That's my favorite.

Another favorite is 'sharing'. Sharing rocks. Said co-worker "Hey, I bought this little thingy of donuts outta the machine, I could only eat three - would you like the rest?"...

Reckon it all starts in the sandbox. Sharing is learned here. I've always wondered why.. seems a much better arena for the little snotnoses would be four or five safe wrestling mats placed together - surrounded by stacked air mattresses so the little creeps would stay in... and so they wouldn't/couldn't get hurt/lost. But no, we test sharing by giving them small projectiles (grains of sand) to wing toward their buddy's eyes if they aren't naturally attuned to sharing.

Sharing is four eyeballs watching the same thing - and then expression/discussion of same thereafter. Ever been somewhere, see something totally bizarre and wanna scream out "DID YOU SEE THAT?" - but there ain't anyone there to share with?

Givers, as we've discussed, love to share. Disgusting bastards! They do things that to me appear sooooooo hard (like bringing a breakfast casserole for co-workers) with ease.. and they then are perked by their sharing.

Share a story... share a slab of ribs.. share a round of golf.. share a bed.. share a kiss.. share a pizza.. share a smile.. share an afternoon.. share a six-pack, bottle o wine... a life.. share raising a child... share a hug...

I've almost been to the point I wanted to go see such-n-sucha movie that I actually considered going alone. Nope, sharing rocks. Life be all about sharing.

Reckon there are some negative connotations to sharing. There's a local major league pitcher who's shared his Herpes with a few.. (not at all biased to those with Herpes - just kinda got the impression this feller was sharing and not telling - a no-no in my books.)

Recent cold/flu/bronchitis/whateverinthehell it is.. Called down to IT dept to tell of woe with computer the other day.. Nice lady says “Vic, you don’t sound well.” “Nah, I’m Ok, I feel better than I sound.” “Ohhhhhhhhh, so you learned well when you were a youngster and you’ve decided to come to work and ‘share’ with all of us.. I see.” (Dammit, just help me with my computer)

There is the sharing of bad news... But, even bad news has to be brought out in the open.. and usually when one shares it, it's a 'have to', and usually they're there to help you absorb what they've just shared with you...

The noun share. Shareholders. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. Shares, kinda like life/rollercoasters/grade cards - fall prey to the old gravitational clause "what goes up must come down."

Share, as in work. She ain't pulling her full share here. Worked with ole Fernando @ United Airlines.. His favorite phrase, when told to get his ass out and do a specific task was "eets notttt my yobbb mann". Fernando, I think, usedta wing sand.
Soooooooo. I love the positive aspects of share. Like when you turds (said with love) add comments. Like the last 8 days of my life where I've virtually shared every waking minute with another. Bizarre, strange, wonderful.


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