Monday, August 22, 2005

Have no fear......

Feel, passion, smiles, hugs, touch, verbal niceties, simple things such as eyes meeting. I fear not. All relationships ultimately end - but I think when one is in a relationship - or has the potential to be in a relationship... the euphoric feeling of all of the above makes one oblivious to the notion that heart could get yanked right outta your body.

As we age, and if we've accumulated "Samsonite's", sure - that worry is always there. Who cares.

How long's it been since you made out in the driveway? Yes, perhaps silly - and certainly resembles snotnoses who've just gotten their licenses.. sitting in daddy's car. Shit, I remember that feel.

I feel it again. Only difference, I'm an EXCELLENT driver. (K-Mart sucks btw)..

(Note to self: Urge ever hits again at age 52 to emulate 10 year old great niece and turn a cartwheel just as good as hers... don't do it. At least don't do it in sandals. Yes, probable broken toe. Somehow, the pain wave is being diverted.)

Sorry if that was yuck... mush... but, twas what was on my brain. I challenge you to do something sophomoric with your significant other. I still say that initial wonderful feeling never has to die. Kinda like flowers I guess - a little pampering. Perhaps covering them for a late spring frost... Watering them in the dry dry July - Augusts... (You perverts, I never even mentioned fertilization!)

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