Friday, August 12, 2005

The goal is to get Catom58 to say something emotional...

"Victor, it's YOUR blog... I can't do that.." To that I say, patooey. There is nothing better than feel, and the expression of - be it thru tears, thru the keyboard, from between the lips, maybe a roundhouse - hell I don't know... I love "feel."

Occasional times when I "feel".....

Thanksgiving..... 20+ family members surrounding... seeing the multiplication from one couple... outstanding... and tied...

Watching a mom or dad's face as they observe their child with proudness and you can just sense the happy bond betweengst.

Seeing a couple - almost any age - doing special "help" things for the other... No production or show for anyone... just because they want to, and they derive pleasure from that.

Seeing live musicians, watching their facial expressions and only wishing I could feel how they feel. (Singers are the BEST for this.) If you live in KC and ever getta chance to hear the Allied Saints... watch that gal, u'd see what I mean. Feel.

Crying. Crying is all about feel. Fuck it, feel is good. I cried like a baby on the back porch of my uncle/aunts house when I was 34 and my mother passed. I hurt because of all the good that preceeded that day. (Brevity time out: Sometime that day... my sister drove her bigass Winnebago camper thing down there... her and I alone, sitting in the bigass Winnebago thingy, chatting about mom, the funeral, etc. Well, she had to pee. So, she gets up, heads for the bathroom in the bigass Winnebago Camper thingy... I hear this CLICK. (BR Door locked.).. I got tickled. When she came out I was like, "hehe, did you really have to lock the door? Did you like think I was gonna barge in or something?" hehe... I LOVED MY SISTER AND I MISS HER LIKE CRAZY... (Ok Catom, ur turn!)

Observing... Just observing someone who's been thru something emotional.. Coming back to work after a funeral.. about to go celebrate an anniversary... their kid's first concert... first communion... first prom...

The ole brain..... recollecting... perhaps this is the greatest "feel" method. Thinking about old times... Stopping to remember the roses from that day, that friend, that event... Screw digital cameras and HD TV, our eyes are the most marvelous visual wonder of all...

Anon talked about her son both happy and crying when her grandkiddo was born. That's feel. I know how Life After 50 is feeling in anticipation of G-child numero uno... Catom just got called gorgeous yesterday by a longtime admirer who has felt that all along but he just got the Kutzpah to verbalize it.

Feel baby... inflection... tears... rapid friggin heart beats... excitement almost to the the peeing of pants point... Somehow it reverberates thru one's bod...

Yes, this is "my" blog, but it's OUR life. I'd love to hear your moments of feel. Why hide 'em? It's a good thing, amplify 'em......


Anonymous said...

How do you stop loving someone? Marriage number 2--he knew me better than anyone else ever did. He said he loved me. Earth-shaking love-making--the kind that makes your eyes roll back in your head. The person you want to be with forever...but you leave him because he's an alcoholic and drug addict and won't do what he's supposed to. You try to understand--you go to AA meetings and support groups but he doesn't. One day you've just had enough and tell him so. In a drunken stupor he says he doesn't care if you get a divorce. You separate. Divorce becomes final. There's an old saying: "The best way to get OVER somebody is to get UNDER somebody else." I wish I could feel loved again.

Check engine light said...

Yes Anon, kinda sorta know what you mean about the OVER-UNDER thingy... If memory serves, it ain't too bad the other way around neither!