Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Men, women....

Men, women:

Relax, it was alphabetical....

Learned these from Google ("Your sex comes with a blueprint", Brave the World)

Males will automatically block out certain sounds. Duh.
Females hear better than males. See above.

Females can verbally express their emotions better than males.
Men, in general, send shorter texts... like "Sorry."

At play:
Boys, larger groups, focus on game itself, rough n' tumble, very competitive, claim territory, show off physical strength, struggle for social rank, more likely to use threats.

Girls, focus on relationship building, take turns 20 more times than boys, pretend play is usually caregiving about and relationships, more likely to make collaborative proposals (like starting their sentences with "Let's".)

Boys and girls play with different toys. No comment.

Females are easier to startle. (As one scared to death of women, I would be very willing do debate this)

Males are more likely to die from an accident than females. So, "hold my beer and watch this" rings true.

Women use both sides of the brain to respond to emotional experiences while men use just one. (Has nothing to do with Mellencamp, Jack/Diane, shady tree)

Men thrive in conflict, women avoid it. (WE DO NOT!)

Men are easier to sexually arouse than women. (Turn your head...... Duh.)

Men pursue, women are pursued (I so miss the old tag games from recess.)

Men are more consistent than women. (I'm just the messenger, plus, that doesn't necessarily mean that's a good thing in many instances)

A woman's brain is more 'flexible' than a man's (IS NOT!)

A site called fitbrains (dot com):

Emotions: Women typically have a larger limbic system than men, which makes them more in touch and expressive with their emotions. Men: "Hey, you only brought Hank a beer and I'd ordered one too!"

Multi-tasking: Men tend to be better at learning and performing a single task, while women are better at juggling different tasks at once. (As I read this, I scoffed as I was blogging, drinking coffee and finishing off a sausage biscuit.)

Women generally have better memory than men. (Duh)

A place called Brightside (dot com):

When a woman washes the dishes: 10%, in the morning left from the evening before. 90%, after a meal.
When a man washes the dishes: 10% after a meal, 90%, ran out of clean dishes.

Why a woman feels upset: 100% "Whatever"
Why a man feels upset: 20% our team lost, 30% scratched the car, 50% hungry.

Why women need a blow dryer: 100% dry and style hair
Why men need a blow dryer: 50% dry hair, 50% dry socks

How women choose their shampoo: With protein and aloe extract, adds volume, with vitamins and minerals, with liquid keratin for shine
How men choose their shampoo: Bottle says 'shampoo'.

Women at a hairdresser's: Trim a little on the side and straighten the bangs, I'd like a perm, Bleach a few strands and anything else you think will look good, I want to become a blonde.
Men at a hairdresser's: Make it shorter.

A woman's reasons to call a best friend: I miss you, Give that recipe for that salad, I saw my ex, I saw his ex, Why did you call me, Do you know what he said yesterday?
A man's reasons to call a best friend: Birthday, New Year, "Dude, I have whiskey"

From some site called victurd.com:

God absolutely knew what he was doing with Adam's rib. Woman was created to never be understood. We men play a game of catch up. Chase, maybe momentarily catch, but the grasp lessens and that wonderful game of 'who are you, what are you thinking, where are you/we going, fill me in if you would, I'm not so sure I understand, but ok'... repeats itself over, and over and over again.

Some lady named Andrea attests to some reasons why women are superior:

We sit on the toilet seat to pee. You, messy, inconvenient, splash outside the bowl, eeew. Uh hello? They invented toilet seats for a reason.
We get to experience the awesome power of growing life within our own bodies.
Males miss out on the fun and pleasure of makeup application, dressing in cute skirts, dresses, heels. Sure, we do casual, but we have the whole extra wardrobe section - and we get to cover up our pimples and highlight our cheekbones.
While we have historically been oppressed, this actually makes us more powerful in the long run because we have a more nuanced and realistic understanding of the world, power and everything.

A GUY writes:
Women are smarter (IQ tests worldwide prove that)
Women are more sensual
Women are better at finding things than men
Women are cleaner
Women tolerate pain better
Women have a better memory
Women handle stress better than men (DO NOT!)
Women are better drivers than men (Did this guy just get here?)
Women live longer

Victor, your mission, should you accept it, would be to write a short paragraph about women:

I accept. I also accept I will never understand women. Women are fascinating, beautiful, mysterious... Caring, thoughtful, matriarchal, giving, often place themselves second (or 3rd, 4th, 5th, yada). Bright. Resilient. Can make one melt. Can make one fall. Can make one smile, laugh. Women are just so interesting to watch, observe, respect. Women, literally, make the world go round - we couldn't make it without them. Surely Santa is a chick, for no man could do all that.

This message will self destruct in two minutes,

Love, Victurd

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