Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last leg……

Interesting term. When I Google a word, phrase, I am literally addicted and research every Merriam, MacMillan, Wiki, Yourdictionary, TheFreeDictionary, Tom, Dick, Harry to absorb all I can learn. Kinda like seeing a chick you really think is hot… “lemme peek at this woman from each, every, aspect, angle.” (Oink, sorry….. kinda)…

One of ‘em told me: “To be "on your last leg" is to be near the end; near collapse. You have scarce resources left to complete something. "Our old family dog is on her last leg (meaning tired, near death). The "leg" here can be interpreted in two ways. First, comparing a leg to the tired or injured legs of a person or an animal after extended effort; there is not much left to stand on.

Another mentioned: synonyms.. = done in…… dying…. Elderly… moribound.. (Quick editor’s note if I may.. as my father reached this stage, my wonderful niece/hubby stepped in to so, so beautifully to assist. I have always loved them, will always love them, and I hope they know how much I truly CHERISH them making my father’s last leg, enjoyable, comfy, fun. Assistance with EVERYTHING. Love you Valerie, Darren.)

We are all selfish. We are. May not admit it, but, each and every thing that rolls our way, passes through our ears, sneaks from our eyeballs to our brains, we think “how does this relate to ME?”…

Fitty-something, UPPER fitty-something, is a scary, wonderful thing. We’re somewhere ‘tween Rod White’s stopwatch in 5th grade running the fitty yard dash – and Shady Acres. We like to think we’re closer to Mabel Weakley, but in reality, we’re probably closer to Mabel Weakley. HUH? (You’da had to been a Libertyite to ‘get’ that one, sorry)…

Knowing, last leg on horizon, it gives us this frenetic pace……… “Gotta do this”,,, “Gotta see that”…. “Gotta go there”…. “BY GOD I am NOT too young to do that… WATCH ME”… “The sun is setting, so to speak… come on, LET’S GO!”…..

So… with a shout out to Bonita Allen (it’s another Liberty thing) we “go like sixty”… Our brain tugs our sleeve, says “you go guy/girl… you’re only a few years removed from High School football, Glee Club, Stayton’s drafting class, Hartley’s drama club, GO….” And we do. Our brain is in high gear, our body later tells us “You dumbass… the hell were you thinkin?”

As onea the Merriam/MacMillian/Wiki’s pointed out, “last legs (of a person or thing) worn out; exhausted.”… We’re at the age, mebbe not in the know of “last leg of life”, but very definitely guilty when it comes to “last leg of the day.”

Another onea the Mc/Mac/Wik “I know every damn thing – just ask me” websites likened last leg to penniless. I was married to two brilliant women for mosta my “after school years.”.. Reality socked me in the face awhile back.. “I gotta do WHAT?... BUDGET?... the hell’s that? Ain’t that whar you getta rental car?”…….So, trust me, I very well know “last leg/penniless”…

Applies to appliances, cars, gizmo’s, weedeaters, lawn mowers, chain saws, battery’s, computers, et al. Last leg happens...

A "leg" is also a counting word for a segment of a long journey. "I would be glad to sell you my car, but I must tell you that it is on its last leg."

Company picnic. Family picnic. Thanksgiving. Chicken, turkey. OF COURSE, last leg is a wonderful thing!

And of course…….. the last leg of the trip. The traveling salesman. The vacation. Refreshing, relaxing, return to normalcy, while mebbe outta sync… a good, sad, happy, restful, tiring thing.

Please know: I am on the last leg of this blog. For all you perverts out there who thought they’d learn Victor’s” last leg” – funny ha ha.

For those born roundabout when I was, God Bless – I hope this is a very long, last leg. A memorable one. Life ain’t over – we’re just gettin’ to the best part.

Love, Victurd.

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