Thursday, August 21, 2008

Wigglin’ Water Sprinkler……

You’ve all seen ‘em. The recipe is three to four snotnoses, in shorts or swimsuits, a garden hole, the water bill paid up in full, connected, and u rotate the faucet handle counter-clockwise… the fun begins.

Kids run through trying to avoid, and trying to get hit. The not knowing of which way the Wigglin’ Water Sprinkler is gonna spray next, causes giggles, fun, contemplation, and “YYYYESSSSSS!”’s…

That’s me. Where I am. Where I sit. Victor, is this gonna be about you again? You’ve lost them. I think it was like 2006 when you got your last comment.

FU. As in, “Feeling Up” for, the Wigglin’ Water Sprinkler of life?!!!

I’m on the Interstate, with all these options. I thank you Lord, truly, for all these options. Do I dip my toes in that water - where it’s very definitely ‘temporary water’ and splash myself selfishly?

DoI go gyrate. With that one. I know it’d be fun, but I just ain’t sure. I don’t like hurt, and I fear that might happen here.

Do I dare approach that one, with whom I’ve already done what I always do, fallen “hella” before I’ve even learned of the past, the future, the path. The wants. The likes, dislikes.

Do I go down that road that was hella fun, but, SHE put up the ROADBLOCK? She’s indicating the road’s open again, but I ain’t so sure I wanna be jolted like that again. Who’s to say when that jolt might occur. I’d be looking for it the entire time.

Or do I just continue on, and avoid alla the above. I’ve made it this far, I just ain’t so sure which way to run though the Wigglin’ Water Sprinkler.

At least it’s fun to have options. As in, looking at my GD checkbook, I probably shouldn’t even hook the sprinkler up. Or, “that one”, hell, after three dates (brb, going to turn in these coins I’ve been puttin’ in that jar), she might figure me out. I’m, presently, a po mo-fo.

I’m ready to quit. Victor, you can’t quit. This blog always makes it to the little line thingy where it indicates you’ve “run on” for two pages, and we ain’t there yet.

I didn’t reply directly to that, in hopes that when I hit “enter” I would satisfy your demand for two pages, so I will continue with more run-on sentences until that bastard Windows figures out I’ve finally made it two pages.

Finally. The basta figured out two pages.

I know this is a weird blog, but, rectum deal wit’ it, I’m a weird dude. Brains are wonderful, even my scrambled one. Not knowing whether to run like hell for this… run fast through with the eyes prepared for being drenched, or taking a long running slide not caring, I like dealing with the Wigglin’ Water Sprinkler of life.

I’m all wet, eh? Which reminds me. With love, until the day I pee my pants and forget my name. Love, Victurd.

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