Monday, August 18, 2008

Roy Rogers mighta had the greatest smile of all time……

Happy trails to you, until we meet again
Happy trails to you, keep smiling until then
Who cares about the clouds if we're together
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather
Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again

Oh yeah, Dale too. I’m old enough I remember watching in black and white as this came on…. Seeing their faces… the happiness portrayed.. The sincerity with which they sang…

The song resurfaced when Maynard was somewhere between two and three… I dunno.. That age just before you start formulating sentences.. He’d hear this song (sung horrifically karaoke-like by his mother and father) and he’d pickup on it and do ‘part’s’…….. “Trails”……… “you”……….. “till”…….. “gin”…… I guess you’da had to been there, but it was special to me.

I’m thankful for every Happy Trail. Be it every time I see my bestest friend of alltime Sanford… My HS runnin’ cronies.. A face from yesteryear in the Piggly Wiggly or “The Dish”… a former co-worker… a childhood friend.. Anyone, anywhere, who, at some point in life, our trails crossed, connected.

Some trails are happy ones
Others are blue
It's the way you ride the trail that counts
Here's a happy one for you

Yes, some trails are blue. But even within the blue, there is good to remember. It’s weird how ‘ends’ only are thought of when catching up to someone you perhaps you didn’t have a very good end with.. It’s a safe bet, even though shit mighta happened, at one point you rode the trail nicely, and coexisted peacefully.

Happy trails to you, until we meet again
Happy trails to you, keep smiling until then
Who cares about the clouds if we're together
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather
Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again

I love this song. It’s a reminder life IS good, be thankful for every interaction, every past moment of your life, every potential future meeting on the trail again……

Happy trails to you, until we meet again
Happy trails to you, keep smiling until then
Who cares about the clouds if we're together
Just sing a song and bring the sunny weather
Happy trails to you, 'til we meet again
Happy trails to you ...

I am so so spoiled. People around me are pretty GD (gosh darn) wonderful. I get notes. I get McDonald’s burrito’s laid on my desk. I get a halfa pack of Butterfinger candy bars atop my desk - no note as to who… I get fun, “just to say ‘hi’” emails from friends. I get people asking all about me, my life, and I forget to inquire about “their trail.”

Close your eyes. (I am no equestrian… remember… I dated that chicky who had two horses… BEGGED me to ride… practiced… . In the arena… GD (gosh darn) horse wouldn’t budge… We sat in the corner for over an hour before I said “I give up.”

But………. Close your eyes… Imagine life on horseback.. No highways… no hurries.. Hoofing past friends… smiling… Meeting others from today/yesterday on the trail… take the time to chat.. .visit… remind them they were impactive… that ya love ‘em.. (throw that MF word out there!.. It’s a feel good!)…

This song could even be sung to those that have departed. Until we meet again. How special is that? The pain, the suffering, the selfish “I WANT THEM HERE!”.. until we meet again.

Ok, I’ll get outta your hair. Loveya.

“Trails”……… “you”……….. “till”…….. “gin”……


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