Thursday, August 14, 2008

Paper or plastic?

The kinda-sorta uppity grocery store in our town employs nothing but very clean cut, probable honor roll kids. I don’t mean this meanly, as those kids deserve the jobs they have, and do very well.

The Piggly Wiggly on the other hand, hires two types for “Paper or plastic.” The kid that just walked outta shop class, didn’t bring a book to study hall, and was asleep ten minutes into it. His hair is unkept, his shirt partway tucked in and he’s far far from being the HS quarterback, or one day college preppy.

Or, they hire mildly developmentally challenged youth/adults.

For whatever reasons, I shop at the Piggly Wiggly.

How do you respond to “Paper or plastic?” Greener. The environment. Plastic bags are not bio-degradable, they simply break up into smaller pieces, and it’s estimated that 1% of 500 trillion is recycled.

Yes, slay me. I’m a “plastic” kinda guy. I can hook seven of them suckers around my right arm, have three on my left, and STILL fish out the front door key, open - and it’s one trip in from the car.

I see alotta times in our life when we’re faced with “Paper or plastic”, the answer is clear - yet, we choose selfishly. Who among us hasn’t been with someone (either a kiss or otherwise) that you knew it just wasn’t right, meant to be, but the “I don’t give a shit about (the environment) anything, this feels good, is good… it’s NOW.” The sexual urge is one powerful muther dubber.

Ex-mother in law. Love her. Married to “Eat right, live right, always” retired pharmacist. She’d had triple bypass surgery awhile back and it was her first trip outta the house with car… alone.. Drove past her - car parked in the nearby City Park. She was shoveling (I mean left-right-left-right) six Taco Bell tacos into her mouth. Plastic. That day she opted for plastic.

Four free tickets to the ball game/concert? Really, I’ll bet my son and a few of his friends might enjoy that. Victurd ended up going, not telling, with three buddies. (I’m not always mean!) I just had a ’plastic’ moment.

I have trouble with long range planning. Like I mean the next day. Occasionally, we’ll have “treat day” at the office to celebrate all the birthday folks for that month. Everyone to bring some kinda goodie. “DAMMIT, forgot again” when I see the goodies atop the filing cabinets. I wait until all have gone. Then I fill a plate! Yippee! PLASTIC! It ain’t right, but it felt right!

Find a wallet with $20 in it? Paper or plastic?

Uh huh, stuck a rolla toilet paper in your purse that day at work ‘cause you were out at home and didn’t wanna swing by the Piggly Wiggly. DIDN’T YA!

Appetites, desires, or inclinations. We’re, sometimes, a self indulgent society. It’s our puny nature.

Not criminal. Probably not right, but occasionally we make choices we know we probably shouldn’t.

Gotta go now. Outta toilet paper. I was in the bathroom at work, tried sticking one “down there”… looked kinda funny. Eh, won’t work. Upon occasion right does happen. I for sure, ain’t perfect though.

“Hey, thanks a lot! Plastic please!”

Love, Victurd

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