Saturday, February 02, 2008

Take the “A” out…….

Whether it’s a first time meeting of a person… seeing an old friend ya ain‘t seen in awhile.… Could be barstool to barstool conversation… A class reunion.. Idle chit chat…….

“What do you do for A living?” is always onea the first phrases that arises…


We’re labeled by our job. When we say what we do, it automatically conjures up ideas of “how much do they make…. What kinda house do they live in… what the car looks like.. What kinda extravagances they can or cannot enjoy…

I’d much prefer to ask, or hear “What do you do for living?” I’ve never been asked that. I don’t know that I’ve ever asked it - but to me, it’d be a whole lot more telling, interesting, and I simply love to know what makes people tick.

“I love to get out on the dance floor - let the music reverberate thru my bones - let their be concert between my ears, my brain and my body parts.. I love to take baths.. I love playing with cats and dogs… I love being intimate during a thunderstorm.. I orgasmate every time I drive by Red Lobster.. To be on a cruise, away from it all, no M-F, 8-5, that’s my way of living… drives in the country… partaking an entire evening with relatives… to the park with small children… a walk around the old town square…” - beats the hell outta “I’m a claim’s adjuster for AAA insurance.” (Mid $30’s, week to week, $120,000 home with a second, 2001 Honda, one nice outta town vacation a year.”)

See? Which did you feel better about. Fuck the “A”. Fuckin’ A! (Ray)….

“I love to read, it’s my passion.. I have a few acres in the county where I enjoy hunting.. I’m immersed in the lives of my three daughters… I have a passion for the passion of those that work for me… I am always attuned to learning something new every day - and I anxiously await those opportunities every day when I wake up.. I’m big on the nuclear family I grew up in.. our struggles made us what we are today… It wasn’t what we had - because we had little - it was what we took from it. The wisdom imparted from my mother and father.. “ insteada “I’m the CEO of an electrical contractor… I started at the bottom.. Worked every job possible.. Fortunately just keep rising and rising within the company.” ($400,000, $350,000 home, gives to charity, weekend whim trips, Lincoln Navigator, soon a second home in a more tropic environment.)

Both lives have passion… both are wonderful people… both enjoy the living part of living… Who cares what they do? I guess it is a conversation starter - but do we ask to start a conversation - or, to “file away a worth (or lack thereof).” To judge. To label.

Our employment is the way we afford whatever our path is. What we do on the path is how we live. Some can afford a three car wide path, but never live.. Some don’t have a driveway - but lead tremendously happy lives… Some have both.. Some have neither..

When I’ve walked thru a cemetery - I never ever have thought “I wonder what they did for a living?”.. I do wonder “I wonder how they lived?”

You go to a sporting event, you look around and see other people living.. Some having more fun that others.. Some certainly better dressed than others.. Nonetheless, all living.

“I do love to write… I love people watching… I LOVE listening, for to me it’s a key to success in life… I love coffee and a morning newspaper.. Cranking “Fatbottom Girl” (or similar) on 435... Talking with friends about yesteryear.. Family reunions.. Virtually any kinda sporting event… the sauna… seeing a nice, nice, booty…” Traffic Coordinator for a Military Freight Forwarder.. (Pittance, decrepit $120,000 house, ‘95 Hot…. Rod… Lincoln, one weekend getaway a year, two car garage where the garage door is broken.)

Victor, do you think because perhaps you don’t make an extravagant amount you’re bitter here - and that “What do you do for A living?” perhaps is a valid question? First, I’m not bitter about money. Sure, I’d love more. I do believe I could/could have made more - but I think I maybe woulda missed out on a lot of living I’ve done. I also do think it’s a fair question, a conversation starter, oft times genuinely showing interest… but too I feel people OCCASIONALLY ask it for all the wrong reasons. At least wrong to me.

Which is more important to you? What do you do for a living, or, what do you do for living?

Love, Victurd.

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