Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love, Lace, Lingerie, Loose Ends…..

I’ve had a nice Valentine’s Day… and thou?

It began with an all too civil ride to work with Maynard. He was jovial, what sup with that?

Had a work meeting that was a little frustrating… Big wigs with big ideas, all 12 eyeballs placed on me to carry out their plan.

Lunched with very good friends… both seemingly doing very well… Both in red in honor of the day… both kinda-sorta “with man” so that’s all good…

Madea $10 bet with one as to who could lose 30 lbs first. What? How is my exercise program at the Community Center going? What Community Center? Do we have one in town? Hehe… I’ve basically cutout crap and red meat.. Remember, I’m a binge player, so don’t put it past me to have heap big craving and go to bowling alley for heap big most wonderful ever “300 burger”, a heavenly double cheeseburger with enough calories to move one from pudgy to portly. (For the record, I AM down 3 and ½ pounds in the “I am the biggest loser” race at work.)

Love, lace and lingerie. Overdone? Why? (as in, “we only have it on for like 40 seconds, then it’s to the buff”).. I vehemently disagree… It’s the idea… It’s the visual… It’s the feel.. It’s the season.. It’s the reason.. VS is enVS…

Loose ends… I had someone WAY too GD young for me email me… I asked, in my best Walter Brennen impersonation “why me? I’m an old fart.” Her answer “Old can be fun.” The even sadder part? She was/is gorgeous. And I can tell a smart/unique lady… So, we winged several emails back and forth - and she disappeared back into reality. Thanks though to her - for a fleeting moment, she made “Walter’s” day…

What else? MY LIFE IS EL BORO? Like WHY ARE YOU HERE? If you were to Google “Same ole same ole” my GD website would come up. GO. Go Google “fun”… “lively”… “with it”… eh, why not, see what pops up.

I was excited about someone here… “on the net” as we worthless veterans call it. First time in hella I’ve been excited… Then, she’s allofasudden Casper the Ghost…. Victor, I’m only 27, who the F is Casper the Ghost? Never mind.

Today we talked “bitter.” Oh man, I hope Cyn ain’t watchin/readin’. The three of us at lunch were discussing mates who formally enjoyed intercourse with us, who took right turns to suddenly enjoy intercourse with someone else. And… the right to feel bitter. Counseling was discussed. “I’ll run the mother fucker over with my car if I get the opportunity” was mentioned.. And “I feel I have a right to be bitter… not about losing her.. But about 20+ years of my life.. For what?”

So (Cyn, please don’t shoot me).. We decided, if we ain’t dying to get back in the sack with the ones we’re bitter about - it’s Ok to host our Whine and Cheese party upon occasion. (MG, please look before crossing.)

So.. This finds me sitting behind this cheapass $399 Dell 2003 addition computer, complete with a monitor that has 27 months of second hand smoke upon it… writing you… whoever in the hell you are…

Actually, no pity party today… Boss placed nifty chocolates on office chair before I got there… New dude in our company had a candy dish with heavenly choc setup for all.. (1 ain’t gonna keep me from being the biggest loser.)… A wonderful lunch… Seeing those wearing red, receiving/giving flowers.. Happy faces… Wishing close friends Happy Valentine’s Day…

Then I spent the last three hours out and about at the intersection of I-435 and 210 Highway… What with my cardboard sign magic markered “Be Mine?”… It was perhaps even more interesting than the three hours I rang the Salvation Army bells…

I got $12.47 thrown at me ($6 of which was green stuff.)… Some gal (I guess) felt sorry for me.. Took off her bra between the red and green lights… tossed it at me… my luck… padded.. Lotsa laughs… Several uppity sneers… One gay dude who said “Ok”… and some chicky couldn’t resist, called me up.. lip locked (I guess) ‘cause she felt sorry for me.

Ok, yes, I’m teasing. But - if you know me, it ain’t something beyond what I’d do - if nothing else for the life experience of it all.

I hope you wore red. I hope someone told a story so disgusting, you turned red. I hope you had camaraderie.. I hope you had camaraderie of the “oh baby” kind. I hope u got new undies, even if they’re impractical… Uh huh, hopes u got laid.. Hopes ur in love..

Valentine’s Day, even if from the bleachers, is a good thing. Happy happy - tomorrow is Friday, and our quest for Spring is just beginning. I love life. I love milestones, future dates, anticipation of the unknown. I love today. I love tomorrow. I love you. (I wasn’t real fond of that gay dude, but I rectom to each his own)… And I love you.. Happy (almost over) Valentine’s Day… Love, “Be mine” Victurd.

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