Sunday, February 17, 2008

No page to display….

No page to display….

For those of us with “internet addiction” - this is a dreaded response to see.. It means, either we ain’t paid our DSL bill, the server is down, ya ain’t got something connected just right, or your 22 year old son has been somewhere on here he shouldnt‘a, and one must reload from scratch Windows XP for the 47th time..

Same thing happens when I sit here to write blog. Do it on Microsoft Works Word Processor - but oft times I sit down, stare at the keyboard - and the mish-mash of the brain states “No page to display.”

I could type stupid stuff that’s been running thru my brain - like - “wouldn’t it be fun to be a bird, to be able to fly and poop on any designated target you’d like” (can thinka a few!).. Or, “oh to be a fly on the wall”… like maybe in Elisabeth Shue’s bathroom. Victor, you’re a pig. Oink. Don’t think being a pig would be fun however.

Or maybe, to be a dog in the “pre leash law” days.. When I was a kid - my hound Brownie - Brownie roamed the streets at will.. Was fed daily at the local Co-Op Gas Station, would lounge in the AC in the lobby of the brand spankin’ new Safeway.. Would be infronta (I shit you not) the Police car whenever there was a parade.. And when the Kansas City Chiefs would “hit the blocking sled” he’d be there biting on whichever butt was grunting the loudest. All true. And no, I have no desire to bite the butt of a Chief - but Brownie could kick the ass of any hound in town, and the ‘ladies’ loved him, thus, probably 75% of the hounds today in our town carry his bloodline.

Reid and Soanya update. They were awakened today, their 300th consecutive day at sea with a hella hole in the mainsail. Many, many times thru the course of this excursion Reid has stitched small tears here and there, but this is different - this one is huge - as in taking it down… getting out the 20 yr old backup mainsail (weighing several hundred pounds, stowed away under several thousand pounds of stored goodies.)

I find it ( an interesting read upon occasion. And today there’s a pic of the hella hole - as well as a three minute audio broadcast from their vessel - about the experiences thus far… They now hold the record for longest continuous sail for a man/woman, and the longest ever continuous sail by an American. I wonder what you tell the IRS when you’re going on an almost three year sail?

Once again I’ve received an email that makesya stop and think from Teresa.. It’s a wonderful diddy about appreciation - and has a suggestion that we’ve stated here, I just haven’t got off my duff to ever do it. If you want a feel good, try::

I think a lot about smiles. I ain’t book-smart, graduated with a 2.65 GPA (which is along the lines of Animal House) - but I do think I be fairly “with it” in life education. I believe those wearing virtually everpresent smiles shouldn’t have to have resumes. Shouldn’t haveta go on dating sites online. Shouldn’t ever be questioned about their faith, trust, MO’s. I refereed again yesterday - was a lady very fetching, also very too GD young for me, also very married. I couldn’t help it - I was glued to her smile. I probably missed 40 calls because I had the corner of my eye on her. No, not because I wanted to try to disrupt a family, throw her down and have “oh baby oh baby”s - but moreso because - I wants me onea them closer to my age. Someone who “gets” life. Someone who sees the shit life presents, and views it as shineola.

What’s warmer than a smile? Babies learn this early. We all react accordingly when receiving one. I pity the fool that ain’t learned about smiles - and I feel sorry for them as they move through life never winging them.

Victor, you’re rambling again.

Screw you. That’s what old people do. May life be fun for you. May ur eyeballs take pictures. May your brain allow good thoughts of those you have good thoughts about to let ‘em know those good thoughts. May you too one day ramble before you pee your pants and forget your name. And may you too plan your pretend mission if you were/could be a bird that could fly anywhere and deposit ur feces.

The weather here sucks… It’s “stay inside” kinda stuff, typical Midwestern crap - that makes one oh so appreciate the rites of Spring. Oh, and it’s my hope you’ve gotten laid recently. Me, I don’t believe in kissing and telling. Kissing and blogging mebbe (hehe), but kissing and telling, no.

Love, Victurd

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