Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The receiving end of a smile.

Tis onea the more glorious things in life.

All kinds of differences in receiving. A friend, he/she looks at you – and immediately memories of however many years you've known each other, whatever kinda stupid/goofy/wonderful situations you've shared, however many secrets they've known/you’ve known and kept secret – that smile finds your eyes – jualah… what could be better. The smile brings comfort. It says "I love/like you" and in many ways, you've touched my life.

The smile of a cousin, brother, sister, parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, nephew, niece… It's a bond of not only friendship – but blood. The smile carries with it love from/for those of blood that are no longer here – or perhaps are not in close proximity. The smile explains "perhaps we’ve even had words – disagreements, winged things we're regretted winging – yet, we're family, we're blood, we're ensconced, we're forever."

The smile of a stranger. What could be more special? This person doesn't know me, what can they gain? Yet somehow – he/she touched my day. I know this person has given many of the above two types of smiles – and enjoyed them (and life) so much – he/she decided to expand upon it.

Receiving a smile from a lover. Is there anything better? To know "I’m so very glad to be wrapped in your arms this very moment – there's not a place on the planet I'd rather be. I've seen and known you intimately. I view you daily, I know your strengths and your weakness's… There've been times you’ve made me feel like I've never, ever felt before, in ways I simply can't explain.. I know the many things you've overcome – and I understand your struggles in some ways.. in spite of it all, NO, wait, BECAUSE of it all – I love you.

Do pets smile? Damn straight they do! With their tail, with their tongue, with their strangely bending their body like a hot dog as they walk up to you. Their smiles say "hey.. you left me here all day.. it's cool.. thanks for the water and the food… I guarded the house – and not a sole tried to break in so they could pet me… I'm happy for whatever time I get with you – and please know, you're coming home is the excitement of my day. You go to the mailbox, and it's as if you've been in Hawaii for two weeks when you return."

Babies. Imitators. Babies observe the smiles from those above that have learned how good a smile is from friends, relatives, lovers, pets… and lo and behold – they give the smile back. What happens when they do? It brightens the room even more.

Snotnoses. I was blessed to have taught elementary school PE. If we adults could only "get it" like children do. They smile at the poor, the rich, the old, the younger, the white, the black, the foreigner, the slow child, the brilliant child. I had Dennison's 2nd grade class last thing of the day. Kids came in beautifully silent, behaved (for they knew if they did that, in a moment’s notice I'd make 'em scream at the toppa their lungs "cause that's what life all about – having a blast (when the time/place is proper)".. Tommy walks up to me… digs into his pocket… a small piece of unwrapped candy is pulled out.. it's obviously been handled for a good bit by his lovingly sweaty little palms that have been waiting to give to me.. Perhaps it'd even fell out at recess – as it was a tad dirty, had some lint on it.. Not only did I get the candy – I received the most precious smile along with it (a proud smile inspitea not being accompanied by all his front teeth!)

Here's to smiles in the good ole' US of A…. in Iraq… on the Gaza Strip.. in Sudan… Ethiopia… Kenya.. Don't make war – make smiles.

To me the smile beats the dog poop outta Prozac, Buspar, Wellbutrin, etc. Smiles ARE the antidepressant. Here’s hopin' you wing 'em frequently… and better yet – receive em often. Love, Victurd.

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