Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Get used to it......

The color of money. I've blabbed about my woes the last couple of days of 'money, lack thereof' - and ya know, I've had two of the best days in recent memory inspitea havin' justa few Georges in my wallet.

Hopefully this doesn't sound Forest Gump-ish, but...momma useta say "if I'da written a book about my childhood, I woulda entitled it 'Poor but didn't know it'."

I'm not so certain I'd know what to do if I had money... I've always paid my bills timely... Ok, ok, screw you Visa, so I was late alot, but the way you do your interest rate when us poor folk pay the minimum, it's like a vice. And, patooey, I finally paid you off and cut you in half. (I know I know, I got myself there too.)

Money dictates where we live. I had a friend tell me of her friend yesterday "next time, she plans to marry for love insteada money." So, for some, money dictates our partner - and while sure, that sounds sad - ya really can't blame someone for trying to fall in love with someone that happens to have money. Why not get the besta both worlds?

Perhaps it's rationalization, but I truly think I'd be happy galavanting allover the Contiguous 48 States, eyeballs open and ready to take in all there is to offer - and do odd jobs along the way to buy fuel/food, and uh huh, occasional drink. It's been a dreama mine - and mebbe one day I'll find a chicky with a similar dream to share the wheel with... Hells bells, I guess it wouldn't hurt if she was loaded - but - then I'm not real sure my conscience would allow me to do that...

Money grabs onto some and makes them work virtually 24/7 and miss life's goings on... but, it's of their own opting - so mebbe that's their dream... Many will stoop to ass-kissing to climb the ladder. Patooey. Climbing the ladder to me has virtually always meant "to get something off the shelf".

We kinda hang out with folks of similar income... In general, our kids hang with kids of similar income...

To me, it's all kinda bassackwards... The poorest people get the highest interest rates - so it's kinda like onea those little "Mole Bop Machines" ya useda see at Chucky Cheese Pizza - where you take the bopper, the moles try to surface and you just keep knockin' em back down, and back down - never able to surface for air.. The stronghold of money, or lack thereof.

Where I work, we've had a great year... and, we'll be rewarded.. and then next year it'll be "more... we need more." Never satiated. Never enough.

I've loved life - and I've loved virtually every job I've ever had. I just haven't had the wherewithall to plan for tomorrow properly. Sure, there are a lotta things I'd like to do that I'm prohibited from doing, but I've basically lived every day as I see fit... so perhaps that's my perk. My forte'.

On the rare instances I come home with a buttload from the boat, I just wanna give it away. Buy a lunch, buy a round. Mebbe I'm meant not to have money. Close your ears, I could really care less about money. As long as I've got Freud's basics needs covered - I'm cool. HEY WAIT - wasn't sex onea those basics? Tune in tomorrow when we'll discuss the current rate for a hooker in Kansas City. Ok, just teasing.

I'm sure I'm being repetitive here, but a saying I enjoy "there's nothing sadder than an unhappy rich person, for he has no hope." Is that my 'tonic', justification to stay plain ole plain ole? Eh, I dunno... mebbe. I just know I like life - and the cards that have been dealt thus far.. Sawa guy last night on the show "Show Me the Money"... He was (aside from being flaming gay) a pretty jovial chap. He'd accumulated $560,000 but ran the risk of losing it all.. When asked how he'd be if that were to happen he said "Hey, life has been my cake... I'm very happy.. this would just be the icing... if I lose it... it's still a wonderful cake." Right on.

Howabout you? What role does money play in your life? How important is it to you? Please, I'd love to learn from other's shoes.. Have a $weet Wedne$day, Victurd.

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