Thursday, July 27, 2006

Twenty minutes....

Crap... I've got twenty minutes until worktime... The hell canya do in twenty minutes?... Oh yeah - I guess ya could...

Twenty minutes of fame, I guess, would make one permanently famous. Surpasses fitteen eh?...

Yesterday - within twenty minutes I'd stepped out barefooted (holding my shoes) to go to work - Maynard or one of his friends had busted a bottle on the front step - I managed to not see it - and sliced up both (not one, but two) feet. In twenty minutes I went from potential blogger to "oh woe is me" whine & cheese.

Twenty minutes is enough time to say something you wish you hadn'ta said - then regret it for the remainder of your life...

When I was seventeen (it was a very good year).. Ok, not the song - when I was around seventeen - onea my part time jobs was to throw newspapers with an old codger in the neighboring town of Excelsior Springs... From the town where we lived - it was roughly twenty minutes.. He didn't see it that way however... To him, it was a "three beer drive"... (and he literally did that.) Not to worry however, we didn't worry the squirrels.

"Be ready in twenty minutes" - said by woman - to man - means - you have time to cook/eat three hotdogs, checkout all the scores on ESPN (three times) see if there's any hot chicks on the Spanish Network, learn how to get ridda your slice on the Golf Channel - and check the local weather on the 8's four times.

When you tella snotnose that's outside playing "Dinner'll be ready in twenty minutes" - "OK, I'll be in" - means, 25-30 minutes later he/she is nowhere to be found and now your own damn food is now freezing.

Twenty minutes can be hurtful - wonderful - frustrating - encouraging - average - outta the ordinary - a rude awakening..... We take minutes for granted. Tis amazing those moments in life that change us. The first time I held Maynard at the hospital. When a friend has let you down. When a friend has perked you up. When a loved one gets sick. When a loved one gets well.

We have 72 twenty minute periods in a day. Thinka how many of those are waisted - and HEY, I'm as (if not more) guilty than anyone. So, what we should do I reckon is make lists of the best ways we've ever spent twenty minutes.. Then go after 'em. You know, like sex from 6:20 to 6:40, soaking bath from 6:40 to 7:00, drive in the country from 7-7:20, 300 burger & fries from bowling alley from 7:20-7:40, two beers from 7:40 to 8, email two good friends 8-8:20, takea walk from 8:20-8:40....
etc...etc.... etc..

Well... I've enjoyed the last twenty minutes - thanks for being here. I really don't feel like working yet - so - I'm gonna go take a twenty minute nap now. May all 72 of your twenties be nifty today. Bye bye now - Victurd.


Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.