Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Seems the time of year - maybe even the time of life to reflect... Dog days around the corner - followed by the wondrous feel of taking a fall walk with a light windbreaker on...

Fifty-something is a unique age... We've managed to build a decent emotional base.. we think we "get it".. We're fairly stable - then - allofasudden we're surrounded by 'wobblers'... Loved parents, aunts, uncles whom we will generally always view in the happy years of the age we are now - begin to wobble.. Termites - who wobbled as toddlers - now wobble their way into adulthood. The exact 'scores' aren't predictable - but we know the outcomes ahead of time.

Life's cycles. They talk of "the golden years".. I'm officially ready for them. A new start - as a divorced person - I'm ready for living somewhere where "this is mine" applies versus "this was ours." Change the plugs, rotate the tires, flush the antifreeze - I'm ready.

Seems this age is all about eyeballs.. As a newborn, everything was hazy... soon, our eyes were eager - ready to capture/explore/learn all about everything around us... then in our youth our eyes mainly focused on the mirror... we evolved to focus on a loved one - and then on our little ones... Now's the time to take it all in - appreciate today, visualize yesterday, and love what comes tomorrow.

I love being 50-something - even if those AARP bastards keep mailing me that crap.
Happy reflections... Victurd drutciV


Anonymous said...


Your comments today were really, really good as today is my birthday and as also being a fifty something, it is all true what you have written. What a nice way to awaken this morning and read your blog!!!

Thank you!!!


Anonymous said...

Rae - thanks - and BELATED happy birthday... FYI: when you get the AARP thingy in the mail - DON'T TOSS IT (Do as I say, not as I do!)... If you stay in a motel/hotel three nights within a year, you've recouped your official entry fee into the old fart club!

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.