Monday, July 10, 2006


Driving in this morn... (Oh, in addition to the checkenginelight on.. the brakelight on.. now my left rear tire is pregnant... uh huh.. the bastard's gotta two inch lump that makes wonderful noises as we go down the highway... I'm hoping for a 14" steel belted baby girl)...

Anyways.. driving in the topic was frivolous lawsuits... Seems some guy in Oregon is suing Michael Jordan because he looks just like Michael Jordan and he can't go anywhere in public without being disturbed. His lawsuit didn't mention the fact he shaves his head and wears Nike clothing frequently...

Was another chap who sued his Ipod maker 'cause he was wearing it during an electrical storm whilst he was mowing the grass - and it kinda melted/blew up during a bolt of lightning. One word: stupid.

Gadding about here - I dida search on frivolous lawsuits... Geez, there's hunnerds of 'em... Twas a feller from back West somewhere - sued the MTV show Jackass because they plagarized his name and defamed his good character.. Yes, he'd legally changed his name a few years back to Jack Ass. Actually, it's kinda catchy... how many women would kill to be able to holler out "Hey JACK ASS.. c'mere!".. Or... "Pass the salt Jack Ass."... "Not tonight Jack Ass"...

Sometimes frivolous suits pan out.. like the West Virginia convenience store clerk who injured her back during the "jarring" she received when she opened a pickle jar.. Howabout to the tune of $2.7 million awarded in punitive damages..

(Victor, this next one reminds me of you).. Up yours talkback... In Vegas, a California man sued the Las Vegas Hilton and Mandalay Bay because they'd "allowed him" to gamble away over 1 million dollars whilst he was intoxicated. Hmmm..

You'da thunk the chickies woulda been lining up for this next one - but apparently not so... Several years back a female University of Tennessee athletic trainer was awarded $300,000 for the emotional distress she suffered when then UT quarterback Peyton Manning mooned one of his teammates.. Hehe.

Some feller sued the Bally Health Club because a few weeks after he'd cut his hand on a towel dispenser (temporarily keeping him from working out) he'd gotten into a serious cyberspace relationship with a chicky that ended and left him with emotional distress he said he'da never had if he hadn't cut his hand.

Some lawyer - happened to be a female - in California sued the GTE or whatever Yellow Page company it was... her name was listed under "Reptiles"... hehe.. She received hostile phone calls.. and people would call and make hissing sounds... Apparently her mom wasn't quite as upset - they said she laughed for ten minutes when she discovered it..

To me - it's fairly interesting some of the suits.. Wasa NY business man on a Paris to NY Air France flight... Flight attendants suspected him of "smokin' in the boys room" (yes indeed) so - they barged in.. dragged him out with his pants (undies too) down at his ankles - and drug him up the aisle a few rows. $12 mil on that one.

Then the "WTF?" ones... A nudist colony was sued recently when they were sued by another nudist who burnt his feet during a firewalking ceremony.. Seems he was told it was "safe and spiritual" prior.. Geez..

It's a mad, mad world. IT's a mad mad mad mad world... Hope you're havin' fun in it... Happy day... bye bye now, Victurd.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!