Sunday, July 03, 2005

Suddenly, I'm a virgin............ again.

No you perverts, this ain't about sex..... It's about ME! The blog virgine. Lord knows there ain't been no sex as far as I'm concerned for...... well, a long time. There IS a lot of sex in my marriage, I just ain't getting any of it..... (She rode off on a Harley roughly 4 years ago.... I know, I know).

I'm a fitty-two year old white dude.... live in the Bible Belt.... am mostly liberal, probably somewhat sheltered... and alive.

Check Engine Light fits, cause the last four years my traversings have resembled my '93 Ford Taurus (160,000 miles) - and just when ya think things are starting to go grand again... yep, the friggin check engine light comes on. That extra $200 I'd saved? Screw it. That chick I met CLOSEBY online that I'd like to take to a nice dinner? Check Engine.

Don't get me wrong, I love life... I love my '93 Taurus... but..... I trust "her" about as much as I trusted "her" toward the end. (Oh shit, he's a controller... watched her every move I bet.. probably a major contributor to the demise). Eh, mebbe. Two sides to every board my Aunt always says.

Anyways, this is the start. There, I've done it. I seen the chicky's site on Good Morning America (
Went to a party tonight... Hosted by my still legal sister-in-law. Some of them still love me! July 3rd, 2005. Fireworks and rain. Scroll to blog title.

Hell, I figure if I ever do get laid again..... at age 52, my own "check engine light" will come on... Then, I'll see a doc... get the V-stuff... and probably go blind. Or so I read.

Like a virgin. Is the "first ever" special forever? My first ever, oh ok, I think I was 16 - and I hooked back up at our ten year HS reunion. "Whatshername" (my legality) - well, the fella she rode off with.. I think it was her first ever. Or so I've heard.

Eh, that's enough crap for tonight. Bless our troups, and all troups before them for our freedom. Let freedom ring. Happy 4th. Celebrate, celebrate, dance to the music... one never knows when it will be our last!

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