Thursday, July 28, 2005


A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.
(Above courtesy of Yahoo, but only after I tried twelve damn spellings of that word.)

Idiosyncrasies (By Henry Gibson) are little things that become big.

Please don't comprende this as a "paper's served, aha, I'll get back" kinda thing.

Ya know... the more I'm actually left in charge of my own life, the more I kinda enjoy it. No, I'd prefer to be involved with a mate - but if that ain't gonna happen, I'd be cool with that. (Note to son: I don't want/need an expensive tombstone... but when that day comes... please remember to pay extra to have the words "I had fun getting here" inscribed. Thanks)

I mean hell, why not maybe make a mark and still be impactive even though you're staring up at the grass. I've never been a big piercing/tatoo kinda person... but I always thought if I ever did get one.. .it'd be about size 12 type... mid-front hip, saying "morticians suck." (why not go out with a laugh?)

Back to idiosyncrasies....

WHY....... WHY after 23 years does one remember the phrase that always gave you that fingernail on the chalkboard 'gimme a Rolaid' kinda feeling?

Phone call tonight....... Being the vocal extrovert I am.... I chimed in with "yes"... "I dunno".... .. "Sure, that's fine".... and "Ok"..

Drum roll............ Ready for the idiosyncrasy?...... Ok, I give in.

"Like I said." Yes, only three words... but those three words reminded me of Tarzan's horrendous screech as he descended the vine... Or George Sr's "read my lips" thingy.

In that five minute phone conversation, after hearing "Like I said" for the third time - I felt just like a mechanic who bolted in the last doo-hicky and THERE WERE NO PARTS LEFT.

Helps me here. As we depart and become two 'I's... Is it normal to turn down the sound on the good, and amplify the crap that truly drove us batty?

This prolly ain't gonna make a lotta sense to anyone, but it was kinda like going to your favorite dining joint... dialing up your favorite thing on the menu and chowing down. And after doing so, there's a "hurt-good" kinda feeling.

Believe me...... I KNOW I have my own idiosyncrasies.

Like I said though, I still likes me.

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