Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Step on it.........

Daily morning addiction/routine drew me to my phone. Up popped yesterday's total # of steps: 9,485. Before getting all excited thinking I must look like Jack LaLanne - hark, I walked 9 holes of golf, then a buddy drove up and we met to play 18 more (riding a cart.) MANY a day goes by and I'm under 2,000 steps. It's a pattern (not very many steps) I wanna break, but, procrastinate oft. Thus, more like Fat Albert than the LaLanne fellow. Second thought, LaLanne is dead, mebbe I do look more like him.

Then it showed me today's steps (at 4:50am): 7. I wondered where the remainder of my steps for the day will/would go. Then I got all caught up in the word, step.

"The Eagle has landed. That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."

Thoughts turned to what steps experts would take to rescue the 12 boys and their coach trapped in a Thai cave for ten days. My next step was prayer. I cannot imagine the fear, guts of those kids, nor can I step into the shoes of their parents.

"Take a step back, evaluate what is important, and enjoy life." Teri Garr

My mind has always gone too fast. Scoff the notion that's braggadocios - to the contrary. Without taking a single step - I worry about this, who said what, what did what they say mean... what did what they DIDN'T say mean... what did their action/actions mean.. why do they act like this/that... how can they think from that angle... Thoughts without stepping is my/a burden. I wear it not so well.

Steppin' out. Several definitions, and yes, one is infidelity. Not a fun word. It also means to go away from a place usually for a short distance and for a short time. Heavens to Murgatroyd do we frequently need that in our World today, "exit, (stepping out) stage left."

My BFF is the only person I know my age that has worked out virtually every single day of their life. I dunno if the routine is the same (life, kids, grandkids have understandably caused us to not communicate as often as we did back in the day)... anyways, for you Liberty folks, he runs the stairs (up and down) of the Old High School FIVE times every day. I simply get tired driving up Franklin Street looking at them. What gives this person such pep in the step? Kudos.

Step on another's foot. Guilty. Every single time I think of, use, write the word R H Y T H M, I have to look up the spelling, thus, should give you an idea of my dancing inability.

Do Si Do "Face your partner, step past each other passing right shoulders and without turning around step back to back... Basic step, box step, feather step, inside partner step, lock step, time step.......... TWO STEP.............."Oh won't you gimme three steps, gimme three steps, gimme three steps toward the door? Gimme three."

You could lock me in Arthur Murray's Dance Studio for a year and I still would not have R H Y T H M. (Stepping aside from topic for a sec, Wiki tells me the AM Dance Studio is the 2nd oldest franchise in the US. Oldest? A&W Restaurants, circa 1919. Ah the root beer. 1961, little league ball diamond, Franklin School.. post game, moms/dads took turns buying for the entire team, 5 cents for a mug of root beer at A&W [Mugs Up] mere steps across Mill Street.)

Step back in time. I just did!

Step into the future. Not now, I don't wanna!

Lose your readers, phone, keys, wallet, credit card.... teeth -> bite me.. RETRACE your steps. Ah the steps science has taken. Friend placed phone on top of car. Friend drove off. Ooops. Thanks to find-a-phone technology, he followed the yellow brick road of retracing his steps and his phone was pinpointed electronically to be at such-and-such-mile-marker, in the median on Interstate, 4' from the Eastbound lane.

Step up. I will never forget those daunting words. College track meet loooong ago. I was a semi-ok long jumper in HS, but I had no business being on a college track team. Our team was down a point. All that was left was the long jump. "Vic, I didn't bring you along just for the ride.. time to step up." HA, we lost, the other guy's step was hella longer, jumping days ended that very day. Even being a realist I felt badly, but, then I remembered in baseball, it's considered pretty damn good when you step up 30% of the time. Hence, I quit, more stepping out with fraternity brothers I I was better at that anyways.

Step in dog do. The odor seemingly follows one step for step for an eternity.

Step in another's shoes. Impossible, but we all do it, or try at least. Again, back to worry, self pity... then, we think of the Thai parents.. the loved ones of the folks in today's obits... A step to slap one's self with "get over it, your life ain't so damn bad."

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step....12-step... a step too far... art is going one step too far... baby steps... stepping stone.. one step ahead... out of step... fall into step (or dog do)... march in step... overstep, which I've done with this blog.

"Step with care and great tact, and remember that Life's a Great Big Balancing Act." Dr. Seuss

There are so so many wonderful motivational quotes about steps.. Lao Tzu, Tony Robbins, MLK, LBJ, Charles Atlas, Dag Hammarskjold, Thoreau, BahBah WahWah, yada...... but not for today.

I love the curiosity of wonder in how/where/when/how many steps will take me today. In spite of the perceived turmoil in our nation/world, I am extremely thankful for the freedom and ability to take those damn steps wherever I wanna, whenever I wanna (or not.)

Old age is wonderful for steps. Ya go slower, see more. Well, unless it's the readers you're searching for, or, the dog do you find without looking for.

Happy steps to you, I'm stepping out. Hark, that doesn't mean infidelity today, for it takes a partner to two step, do si do, three legged race, yada. It's all good though, I love the steps of life.

Love, Victurd

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