Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A well a bird, bird, bird, b-bird is the word.......

Words, we'd be lost without 'em.

There's long'ns, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, short'ns, A, I, O. Google tells me, actually the longest word is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (a type of lung disease.) You wanna impress me, Um-dittle-ittl-um-dittle-I, sing THAT ONE Mary Poppins.

You can have a cross word, which is altogether different than a crossword.

Words hurt, propel, confuse, guide, hide, gather, lots.

Old farts aren't generally 'gamers', unless or course you count Words With Friends.

Dyslexics see 'em sdrawkcab.

Cuss words bring about fights, bad feelings and sometimes even bars of soap.

Ain't ain't a word. Why ain't it?

Sometimes words are hard to read - in fact, continuing theory is one day kids won't learn cursive, so us old farts in nursing homes will use the 'secret code' of cursive. HA. Young farts will one up with size 10 type, so take that!

SWIMS will be SWIMS even when turned upside down. I guess that's called an ambigram. NOON, pod, MOW, SIS, suns are udder ones.

We all have that friend, sadly, that is never at a loss of words.

We say OMG when we're speechless, but then, that doesn't make sense.

OMG is kinda an abbreviation, and I've always wondered why they would use sucha long word as abbreviation for that?

The plural of mouse, the rodent, is mice. The plural of mouse, the computer hardware device, is mouses.

There's words that are frequently msipelled: cemetery, colonel, dumbbell, misspell, refrigerator, sergeant, shish kabob, ridiculous, I know.

Monday is the only day of the week that has an anagram, which is dynamo. March, April, and May are the only months of the year that have anagrams, which are charm, ripal, and yam.

Words that have two different pronunciations, each with an independent meaning:
bother = more than two
capable = has a head
flower = cry baby
mother = one who catches moths
preaching = before the pain starts
shower = dirty old man in raincoat

Sometimes, people have difficulty with words, such as our neighborhood friend growing up (he had a lisp).. One day, he approached our table, pointed at the empty chair and asked "Can I shit here?"

Funny-ha-ha occupation words:
cardiologist = casino black jack dealer
pathologist = sidewalk engineer
bouncer = trampoline artist
miner = someone who won't share

"We are masters of the unsaid words, but slaves of those we let slip out." Winston Churchill

Every picture tells a story, but may or may not have words, but, it can also be worth a thousand words.

Today, we hurry. No time to talk, so we text instead. We get a message from a friend and think "clearly, what the hell did that mean?"

Right on time (punctual) there's punks, puncture, and THE BIGGIE, punctuation. Punctuation 'thingys' ain't really words, but man o man can they change a meaning:
Woman without her man is nothing.
Woman: without her, man is nothing.
Woman, without her man, is nothing.
Let's eat Grandpa!
Let's eat, Grandpa!
Or, uh oh, forgot one:
"Best sausage supper in St. Louis come and eat Pastor Thomas Ressler."
Buy bed FREE 1 night stand

"Expect troubles an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass." Ann Landers

"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone." Harrier Beecher Stowe

This wasn't good, sorry.. I was gonna quit, but mama always told me there'd be days like this, and she also told me to finish everything you start (except sex) as well as not to look into the eye's of the sun, BUT mama, that's where the fun is (for each)..

Thanks for letting me have a word with you,
Love, Victurd

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