Sunday, August 05, 2018

As an aside....

I don't like soccer. I love soccer.

It's football, not futbol. You're both wrong, rugby is best!

I'll take a side of fries. Tator tots for me.

I hear he gets some on the side.

Sleep on your left side, it's best for your health.

Time, is on my side.

Packers. Da' Bears.

Lakers, Celtics.

Ali, Frazier.

Red Sox, Yankees.

Ohio State, Michigan. Duke, North Carolina. MU, KU.

Evert, Navratilova.

Palmer, Nicklaus

Hatfields, McCoys.

Mac, PC. iPhone, Android. Xbox 360, PS3.

Pepsi, Coke. Big Mac, Whopper.

Men, Women.

Theist, agnostic, atheist.

Paper, plastic.

Apples, oranges.

Cats, Dogs.

Kimmel, Fallon.

The Greatest Generation. The Silent Generation. Boomer, X, Xennials, Millennial.

Tide Pod, Kiki.

Black, white, red, yellow, brown.

The Continental Divide, where every river on "that side" flows into the Pacific, and every river on "the other side" flows into the Atlantic (or, via the Gulf or Carribean, ultimately into the Atlantic.)

Roll Tide, Snowbirds, The Sunshine State, Land of Lincoln, Don't Mess With Texas, Show Me.

Nature, Nurture.

Shirts, skins.

North, South, East, West.

Urban, Suburban, Rural.

And yes, Republican, Democrat.

As a kid, it was Liberty, Excelsior Springs, "The Big E." We learned, early on, The Big E was our rival, enemy if you will. The Dueling Pistols. Every year, for many a year - a football game was played, the winner got to keep, display, for a year, the dueling pistols. I remember, my Senior year, playing defensive back, we were told "you're in a zone defense until they reach the 20, then you switch to man." Simple enough, unless you didn't notice they'd reached the 19 yardline, Larry Johnson (The Big E) runs a slant outside, some rummy (me) thinks we're still in zone, "Harris will pick him up", oh shit, I was sposedta. Touchdown, Excelsior, they kicked our ass. I was Bill Buckner, but that said, I think we lost by 20-some.

So..... I never liked Excelsior. Then, I went to college. They say "that's where you learn." Joined a fraternity. Oh no, so did 7 from Excelsior. Met this one, good dude. Polite, nice, smart, athletic, to be trusted. Then met another. Same thing, super nice dude. This can't be so, I hate Excelsior remember? And anudder, anudder, anudder and anudder. Damnit darnit, all good dudes. Then I got a job. Oh shit, Excelsior co-workers. Damn, he's a nice man. He shares his sunflower seeds every day. He brought me a CD of my favorite group. How can this be? I hate Excelsior, remember? And, anudder, anudder, and anudder. Color me naïve.

Small stage, sure, but large in proportion.

I hate this present Continental Divide smothering our Country. There's that word again, hate. Don't be like Victor. Love, all. No matter which river you pee in, no matter what ocean it ultimately reaches, we are one.

Should be anyways.

Love, Victurd

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