Sunday, April 13, 2008

The perfect storm…

Ever noticed how peaceful it is right after a storm?

Ever noticed how, when the throes of life get one down, how later you realize how silly you looked, felt, acted, when you thought it was “all over.”

Ever closed your eyes in mid-kiss, when you perhaps thought you’d never kiss again?

Ever wonder just how you’re gonna $wing it, and miraculously a check you hadn’t counted on, planned on, shows up in the mailbox?

Ever need help… not really “shouted out”.. but somehow friends sensed so… and were there.. And they made the problem go away?

Ever been down, down, down and a friend, or loved one, says something or wings an email that lifts you up, up, up?

Ever driven in a storm, pulled over… perhaps under and underpass… into a Flying J.. or’a Waffle House… and when it’s safe to go, how much more attentive you are to the rules of the road?

Even see the forecast… “uh oh, storm brewing… I’ll make it thru.. Just onea life’s things we’re forced to deal with.”

When we take a moment to look back… the times that were bad, really bad.. Don’t seem so rough now… We perhaps demonstrated wild behavior, slung words we didn’t mean to sling, questioned, REALLY questioned the fortitude of “Ahm, can I really make it through this?”

I hate the rain… being out in it that is… I’m deathly afraid of driving in MidWestern winter weather.. My tummy churns at family disagreements… I abhor having to “step up to the plate” as a parent.. I wish I slept with someone besides (or in addition to) my cat Jackson (even though I think I’d die if he did.)

Storms remind us, we only control ourselves..

They say San Diego has the most pleasant weather in the Continental 48. Friend just now back visiting, maybe permanent as she’s considering separating. I guess storms even happen there.

Deep breaths. I love deep breaths… I do my best thinkin’ when I take deep breaths… Reminds me “Hey, it ain’t that bad. Look all around, many others way worse off. Lighten up and chill.”

I remember the 14”’s of snow in the mid-80’s… Father traversed 23 miles to ensure his son and daughter inlaw had plenty to eat…

The ice storm, uncertain the year. Mom and dad, sans electricity ten days, had the fireplace going, a potta chili hanging, and were playing Monopoly by candlelight.

I remember, Victor “shut your mouth” a few years back, at work, rumors afloat about one said Executive Administrative Assistant (married lady) and one said Sales Rep (married man, but not to her).. And by 3pm they were closing roads it’d snowed so damn much. Home, they sent us home. AHA! Their chance! She ran around the building shooing people out with rather terse words… “HURRY!”.. “GO!”… I think they enjoyed the storm.

Storms = money, lack thereof… Singlehood, the want of not.. Boredom, the itching’ burning for a hunka hunka burning love.. Car woes - at least for me.. (I’m hitching a ride to work tomorrow.. HR(P)L power steering pump fell off, and me thinks that ain’t a good thing.)… Hurtful words - not perhaps said with intent to hurt, nonetheless, they stung.

All that crap don’t matta… The sun’ll come out, tomorrow. I hate that little redhead, but I love her take on things… Storms with snarls, frowns, sneers and white knuckles are very soon replaced with smiles, pats on the back, feel goods and relaxation.

The sun’ll come out, tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow, there'll be sun
Jus' thinkin' about, tomorrow
Clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow
'til there's none

When I'm stuck with the day that's grey and lonely
I just stick out my chin and grin and say, ohhh

The sun will come out, tomorrow
So you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow
Come what may...

Tomorrow, tomorrow
I love ya, tomorrow
You're always a day away

We’ll weather the storms whether you believe it or not. Storms bring flowers, relaxation, teamwork, camaraderie, and the realization “this too shall pass.” Bring it on rain, we’re having a parade here.

Love, Victurd

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