Monday, April 07, 2008

The last lecture….

The last lecture….

If you read the article in Parade Magazine about this – then apologies, I may bore you..

There’s a 40-something dude, computer science professor @ Carnegie Mellon University...He agreed to give the lecture (The Last Lecture) prior to his learning he was dying.

He thought about not giving it - then.. decided to. I think it mighta changed the way he looked at things.. He’d just been diagnosed with one of the most aggressive forms of cancer – pancreatic cancer. Father of three, very happily married man – life was going great on course.. Then this…

Touching base: “Always have fun.” It’s a selection ain’t it? “Am I a fun-loving Tigger or a sad-sack Eeyore? It’s clear where I stand.”

“Dream Big.” He addressed being at a summer camp – the astronauts were set to walk on the moon – but there was a delay and the counselors sent them to bed. “Give yourself permission to dream. Fuel your kids’ dreams too. Once in a while, that might even mean letting them stay up past their bedtimes.”

“Ask for what you want.” He remembered back to being 4, at Disney World – and he was ready to get on the monorail with his dad. His father told him “Too bad they don’t let regular people sit up on the nose-code with the driver.” The son replied “Actually, I’ve learned there’s a trick to getting to sit up front.”.. he then walked over to the attendant and asked “Excuse me, could we please sit in the front car?”.. “Certainly.,” the attendant replied – and led them right to it.. Doesn’t hurt to ask – don’t be bashful.. Say “why not?”…

“Dare to take a risk.” Don’t worry about failure – everyone fails at some point. Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you wanted. And it can be the most valuable thing you have to offer..

“Look for the Best in Everybody.” His hero, a Disney employee had once told him “If you wait long enough,” he said, “people will surprise and impress you.”… “When you’re frustrated with people, when you’re angry, it may be because you haven’t given them enough time. Jon warned that this took great patience, even years. “In the end,” he said, “people will show you their good side. Just keep waiting. It will come out.” Maynard, I still got faith little buddy. I’ve seen glimpses of good, happy heart – let it flow my man.

“Make time for what matters.” – Here he related that he was finally getting married to the love of his life at age 39.. On the honeymoon, his control freak boss wanted to know his every move so he could stay in touch if need be.. He left this message on his voicemail: ““Hi, this is Randy. I waited until I was 39 to get married, so my wife and I are going away for a month. I hope you don’t have a problem with that, but my boss does. Apparently, I have to be reachable.” I then gave the names of Jai’s parents and the city where they lived. “If you call directory assistance, you can get their phone number. And then, if you can convince my in-laws that your emergency merits interrupting their only daughter’s honeymoon, they have our number.” We didn’t get any calls.”

“Let kids be themselves.” “Kids, don’t try to figure out what I wanted you to become. I want you to become what you want to become. And I want you to feel as if I am there with you, whatever path you choose.” Wow, could we all learn by havin’ a heapin’ helpin’ of that. We try to mold our children – sure, teach them respect, observation of the law – right/wrong.. but let ‘em guide their own ship as far as their adulthood dreams.. Be there to help pickup should they have a momentary slip.

After his lecture he was inundated with phone calls, emails, people writing about their life lessons.. Former students wrote to tell him “your teaching made a difference in my life.”.. He’d said in the lecture – he’d dreamed to play in the NFL, and being Captain Kirk on Star Trek. The Pittsburgh Steelers invited him to scrimmage with them.. and he got to say a line in the new Star Trek film.

Sorry this ain’t really by me. Stole it. From Parade Magazine. It does though, make you stop and rethink things. How would you write your last lecture? I think, in reality, that’s what blogging is all about.. Getting in touch with the things in life that really are important. Writing about life’s observances. Thanks Randy Pausch for your insight. Thanks for your wiseness. We’ll remember your last lecture. Love, Victurd.

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