Friday, April 11, 2008

Outta the blue….

Worked overtime last night. Happens to be the busIEST season for us. Which too, is fancy for lackabuck. Saw too it that Maynard gotta ride home from the bus stop (I’m a wimp, but he walks all day in his job, and it’s two miles from the bus stop to home.)

Driving home – rush hour traffic long gone.. The tremendous storm front a recent memory… Baseball game on the radio.. It was all good, very good.

7:30pm I cranked the Hot.. Rod.. Lincoln up.. Headed North.. Now I’d talked to Maynard earlier, and let’s just say he wasn’t in a “Hi Dad, howya doin’” mood. So, I decided, within my budget, I’d stop for two, count ‘em, two beers. Victor, you don’t have a budget. Oh yeah, you’re right, maybe that’s the problem.

So I decided to go to my favorite greasy, sleazy, down home bar. Walked in around 8-ish.. Said ‘hey’ to the seven or eight I know.. Plopped on the bar stool next to onea my best friend’s sisters.. And of course, as I faced the barkeep – there already was my unopened Miller Lite..

Pups hurt, but I wasn’t taking the shoes off.. I’d save that for a life orgasm when I get home… Royals on TV, albeit getting wasted by the Yankees…

Peeked at the Golden T Bowling thingy. Couple, mid to late 30’s, rockin’. He’d shoot (was terrible by the way) and she’d give him a love pat.. She’d shoot, he’d encourage (she was kicking his ass) – and then they’d smooch. Figured they were from the country, as I’d never seen ‘em before..

Smiles were plastered, literally plastered upon their faces.. the entire time. They’d walk back and forth between the bowling machine – and their table – which happened to butt up right behind our bar stools.

Finally, dude extends his hand… “Hi, I’m John.. this here’s my wife Maggie, and we’re from Florida… Tampa actually.” So, Candy (friend’s sister) and I exchanged handshakes, pleasantries…

“We’ve been in Arkansas” John offered.. “Yeah, my mom lives there.. and she’s been real sick.” Maggie followed with.. “We came here for my work… geez, I worked 19 hours yesterday – but hey, it’s Ok, we’re here now.”… As John kinda-sorta detailed the fact they had an RV – he was working in a small town some 100 miles Northeast a few days a week, and in our hometown a few days a week – Maggie stared at him with a proud smile as he spoke, hand on his thigh.

“Yep, we drove into town, told the guy at the gas station ‘We’re looking for a greasy, sleazy, down home bar… nothing like Chili’s or Applebee’s.. we want down home’ and by golly we found it. This place is cool.”

Well, many would debate that (I’m reminded of my cousin’s friend once describing an establishment with “geez.. can you believe all the sad existences in here?”) I happen to concur. It’s home. It’s down home. It’s “I can be as I wanna be. I won’t judge you. I’ll extend my hand to you.” (Nuther couple from Nebraska who’d moved here once said “ya know, we tried those other places.. ‘Dietz’ (her hubby) likes this place ‘cause people talk to us.”)

So back to the little diddie ‘bout John and Maggie. They were getting an apartment some 100 miles Northeast, and would live either in a Motel, or in their RV whilst they were in our fine city.

In my lifetime, I’m not certain I’ve seen a happier couple. At least for this moment in time. Long about the time I realized my second beer had one gulp left – and it was time for my departure.. I looked at Maggie and said “wow Maggie… you guys really love each other don’t you?”…

I think it made her night. Her month. Her year, perhaps her future. “YES. You can tell?” Well of course I can tell, you touch, you laugh, you respect and admire whilst the other is talking – you SMILE.. a lot.” “Well thank you.. Yes, I do. We do. I’ve never been happier in my life.”

“Honey.. HONEY.. outta the blue.. .he said that!”… “Ohhhh, I can fool anyone!” the onere polecat John spouted…

Yes, yes I did tell them that. They weren’t of great means. They were away from family. It’s no fun living in this city, that city – no real roots. A three car garage seemed of little importance to them.. They had each other. That’s all they needed. I truly feel so very happy for them.

A brief smidget in my life. A huge party in my brain. I hope you are having an “outta the blue” life. Mine’s great – maybe even turquoise! One day, I’ll be partnered – and it’s for sure to come outta the blue. I love seeing happy. I love those who select to be happy. I love those who feel it’s important their friends/family are happy. John’s the key to making Maggie’s engine purr.. Maggie’s engine keeps John motivated. Their eyes talk. There smiles melt one another. Their hands say “I love you.”

It was a nice visual outta the blue. Love, Victurd

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