Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spring forward, fall back….

Not this Sunday, but next Sunday - we have an extra hour in our lives…

At 1:59am, Sunday November 4th, we set the clocks back to 1:00am…

They got every damn thing on the internet now - and one of ‘em is “Top Five Unique Things To Do With The Extra Daylight Savings Hour.” Bored sonsabitches I say. I gotta go back and look - surely there’s ads on the page or sumpin… Yep - what I thought…

Anyways, their suggestions:

1) Write a meaningful letter to everyone you know. Did they like just get here? I mean it’s a grand idea - but GD (Gosh Darn) it’s my hope by now, even if you’re twelve, it would take you longer than one hour to write a meaningful letter to everyone you know.

2) Make some non-New Years Resolutions… They suggest “Maybe you can be more understanding with your family and friends, or, exercise and eat better.” Ahm.. .naahhh…

3) Cuddle and talk with someone special. Now them sonsabitches are talking. Ahm, yeah, that’d be third on my list… Yours? “Hey honey? With this extra hour we got.. You wanna write everyone you know… maybe set a plan in motion to get ridda your beer belly.. Or run to bed and have sex?”.. Me? Hell. I’d vote for #3.. But, it’s been so damn long, then we’d haveta thinka something for the other 57 minutes…

4) Make a plan for an altruistic act. Ahm. Brb….. Thanks Webster… Why couldn’t they just say “Random act of kindness”? I suppose that’s cool - but I ain’t real sure they’d appreciate you hammering and nailing for the new Habitat for Humanity house at 1:00am Sunday. Eh, but perhaps still a good idea to plan something unselfish…

5) Write a love song… Ohhhhh, great idea. Like however many kajillion of us Americans there are have the ability to write a love song?

Stolen from some Redneck site:

Kudzu is green,
my dog's name is Blue
And I'm so lucky
to have a sweet thang like you.

Yore hair is like cornsilk
A-flapping in the breeze.
Softer than Blue's
And without all them fleas.

You move like the bass,
Which excite me in May.
You ain't got no scales
But I luv you anyway.

Ok ok…… so what do I suggest we do with the extra hour?… Well.. I think I might stand in front of the mirror at 1:58am, look at myself.. And say… “for years.. You’ve wanted to be younger… WATCH… because in a minute, you will be.”

Then… since I don’t have anyone to “Cuddle and talk with someone special” I think it’d be a pretty damn good time to think of the favorite hours of my/our/your lives and “relive” them…..

It’d be pretty special for me if I were able to relive an hour in the living room - just sitting and talking with my parents and my sister. I’d give a year of my life for that possibility.

I’d relive the final 30 minutes of the time back in the dinosaur days I coached the women’s basketball team at the college I went to - and we won the Missouri Small College Championship.. And then the 30 minutes just after the game. Special - it was special. At least to me…

I’d think of playing whiffle ball in the yard when I was nine…

A dark hour of kick the can with the nine Flanigan kids… again.. Probably about age nine….

I’d relive the thirty minutes at Granny’s house on Christmas Eve before we opened presents - and the thirty minutes that followed comparing presents with my cousins… circa age 6 to 12..

I’d spend an hour at the frat house… Dix, Boze, Whale, Gib, Coxy, Bouncer, Stinger - and a case of Bud…

I’d relive an hour of the Courtwarming Dance with Teri…

I’d relive an hour in Maui with Perijo….

I’d relive an hour in the sack with Marilyn… (Oink.. Sorry… all men are pigs!)…

I’d spend an hour looking thru all the pics and videos of my kid - and smile away the hour…

I’m boring you now… but if anything… I hope it sets your mind thinking about what you’d relive - given the chance… If nothing else - take a moment to think back on the really really good times in your life… know that there are more good times ahead - no matter how shitty ‘today’ can occasionally be…

Why heck… envision creating your own future hour of how you’d like it to be… I mean shit, that’s easier than writing a damn love song….

Ending this now… Thanks for being here. Thanks for reading.. Thanks for your brain… God Bless life and all there is in it… Every minute we’re here is blessed.. No, it may not always be shiny - but it’s blessed. Sixty minutes. Free. Sixty extra minutes. More of life.

Seeya on March 9, 2008... We’ll all bitch about being cheated out of an hour.. And the many times in life we’ve wasted away time… (In line at Mickey D’s… at the License Bureau… Four carts back at the checkout of Piggly Wiggly… Commercial time during the World Series.. Etc..)

I loveya…… Victurd.

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