Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Driving in… the rain was spotty.. raining soft enough that if you left the wipers on full bore – they’d make the hideous dry-ruhhmmpp-ruhhmmpp-ruhhmmpp-ing noise.. yet, fast enough – you still had to have them make their occasional swath to unobstruct the view ahead…

Then I wasa thinkin’… ain’t that kinda like times in life?... There are days, weeks, months, sometimes years where baby, when it rains – it pours… we thinka every single way to ‘make a swath – clear the view ahead’… Frustration sets in.. nerves/muscles tense… worry is magnified… edge of seat.. lack of traction – spin outs possible..

Then, brilliant days of sun… sun in our lives… with mebbe an occasional brief, rainbow-y Hawaii-like rain.. and the Rain-X is all we need.. nothing can wipe the smile from our faces – obstruct our way, our direction, our view.. Relaxation comes easy.. The view is so much clearer.. enjoyable… Auto-pilot… cruise control..

The rollercoaster.. The intermittent periods of life.. Faster, make them wipers go faster.. What’s that? A raise in pay?. Cool.. lemme turn the speeda these things down a bit… WHAT? So-and-so has been let go and I’M to pickup a sizeable chunka their work at the SAME rate of pay?.. Twist, faster wipers, faster…. Hump-thump-hump-thump-hump-thump….

Ahhh, the weekend… s l o w e r… a l i t t l e s l o w e r… Ahhhhh sun… Let’s have a nice cold one, no hurry to go, no hurry to do.. just be….enjoy…

Nighttime, panic, downpour – HELLLPPP!!! CAN’T SEE.. Bills, bills, bills… Family problems… health concerns… the parta the house needs this, that parta the house needs that.. FASTER BABY – FASTER.. swish-swash-swish-swash-swish-swash-swish-swash…

Morning time… I smell the coffee… I heard the paper hit the drive… regular.. I like regular.. sound of the familiar local TV anchors in the background… wardrobe waiting patiently for the decision… cats stretching to start their own day… (with intermittent naps)… no wipers needed…

I guess what I’m trying to tell myself… what them bastards tried to tell me when I hated Boy Scouts and dropped out to play baseball every day instead… “be prepared”… there’s all kinds of rains.. downpours.. Spring – flower producing rains… damned cold rains… freezing rain… soft, intermittent rain… hot/cold… fast/slow… sporadic/steady…

Life’s the windshield.. we’re the wiper –and we’re in control.. Change your blades frequently.. and keep the windshield washer fluid tank full… ready.. prepared… up, down.. highs, lows.. oh shit’s/oh baby’s.. OH NO, HELLLL YES..


Happy ‘driving’, love Victurd

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