Sunday, October 21, 2007

Mad, amorous……

Mad: ADJECTIVE: Showing or having enthusiasm: ardent, enthusiastic, fervent, keen 1, rabid, warm, zealous. Informal: crazy. Slang: gung ho, nuts. See concern Marked by extreme excitement, confusion, or agitation: delirious, frantic, frenetic, frenzied, wild. Archaic: madding. See calm

Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.
Indicative of love or sexual desire: an amorous glance.
Of or associated with love: an amorous poem.
Being in love; enamored: He had been amorous of her since the day they met.

In the last two weeks, I’ve had conversations with two gentleman, each married - each admitting “the intimacy went South long ago… in fact, we occupy separate bedrooms.. and have for some time..”

It was an eye-opener for me… me the dude who worries because my bed
partner now is a 15 year old fat cat.. Not that I don’t love the
cat… I do… I guess I just felt sorry for myself…

Having two marriages myself that have “gone South” I decided to
Google “How to stay married.” Surprisingly, there was no exact
match. Hmmm. I thought that’d be kinda important. (Actually I
"Yahoo'ed".. but everyone thinks in terms of Google, thus, used it.)

I did, however, find a site “Why do you stay married?” - and the
results there too were sad… One poll indicated only 30% stayed
married for love. Another 30% for the children… 20% for commitment…
9% due to fear.. 8% for finances. And 4% due to tradition…

So…….. Again I find myself asking “if I am fortunate enough to be
‘with’ again, I don’t wanna screw it up… give me some helps here
Internet.” So I scrolled down.. And the same site did give suggestions…

1) Take time each day to relate what has gone on in your day,
how you are feeling about things - and try to get your mate to reciprocate…

2) Have a weekly date night.. Courtship can be for many, the most
exciting period in a relationship. Don’t let that part end. Doesn’t
have to be anything extravagant - just get out.

3) Look for opportunities to show your love… a love note, love
letter, love email, love text, thoughtful gift… let your mate know
you are thinking of them throughout the day.

The catch phrase nowadays is “I’ve fallen out of love.” Bullshit.
Everyone knows a good marriage takes hard work. We love the things
we take time and energy with.

George Washington Carver (so this article said.. And I have no idea
if this is one in the same as the inventor) put it best "How far you
go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate
with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak
and strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these."

I know, that upon occasion, CJ and Valerie wonder by here. Please
know I thought of each of you as I wrote this. We envy you, and are proud of you each.. If half the marriages fail, and only
30% of the marriages continue due to love - that’s only 15% of all
marriages. Pat yourself on the back - and then give Bobby/Darren a
backrub! Way cool.. And carry on.

In spite of the odds… In spite of the tango being a dance that
requires two to wanna… in spite of my age.. In spite of the
potential of it (an end) all happening again… in spite of the
occasional pity parties I’ve forced you to attend.. I’d do it
again in a heartbeat.

So… tell me about your day.. How you feel… Let’s go on a date..
Here’s a rose.. And if you’ll check in the back pocket of your jeans
there’s a note that says “I love your butt.”

Seen her?

Happy mad, amorous… Love, Victurd

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