Wednesday, December 01, 2021

We'll be, fine and dandy........

This is dedicated to the one I love...  No, that ain't it...  If ya ain't never been to Liberty, MO... or, ifya only had a few heartbeats whilst here..  you might wanna turn left.  This is dedicated to the town I love...
Hey, maybe I'll dye my hair
Maybe I'll move somewhere
Maybe I'll get a car
Maybe I'll drive so far they'll all lose track
Me, I'll bounce right back
Post on Facebook this morning showing the 5pm traffic in Liberty (The Western portion.. I call it the KC portion)..   The guy who posted it, he like me, same age as me, SAME LOVE for Liberty as me..).. anyways, Yessir, it's different - except now it's what we know.  
Maybe I'll sleep real late
Maybe I'll lose some weight
Maybe I'll clear my junk
Maybe I'll just get drunk on apple wine
Me, I'll be just
One Liberty'ite (That's someone who lives here, or usedta live can take your body outta Liberty, but ya can't never take Liberty outta your body!)..  "It's sickening! Our old town is a Metropolis now!"  Well, I dunno. I think I'll takes me a walk around The Square.  I'm gonna walk a few steps West from Whiteside Jewelers and take a picture of Franklin Street headed up to the old High School. MAN it's perty!
Fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
"I came home from the service in such and such year, took one look around and I was outta there" or something close to that.  Now this consternates me.. it consternates me so, I think I'll take me a drive out LaFrenz Road... see them there cows?  I bet they's somehow related to ole Bessie that was in that pasture years ago!...let's stroll down Raines Road..  up to Nebo Hill...  WOOOOO HOOOOOO  I can see the skyline of KC from here!  Hey, I thought they said it was all concrete tween here and there? . I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom, for me and you, and I think to myself.. what a wonderful (town) world. VICTOR, ya ain't sposteda combine TWO songs in one blog. Aint ya never heard that?  Well, I guess I been in the right place, but it musta been the wrong time.. (I GIVE UP ON YOU VICTOR!)
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
"That's exactly why I don't live there anymore... too many damn people."  Didya hear that Bessie's great-great-granddaughter?  Let 'em mooo-ve, right?  That's one less person, we're closer to our goal of getting that Population sign back to 8,908 like it was for so long, right!  I jest, but notta lot.
Hey, maybe I'll learn to sew
Maybe I'll just lie low
Maybe I'll hit the bars
Maybe I'll count the stars until dawn
Me, I will go on
Bars?  Ya mean like the Corner Bar?  Yep, it's still here.  "Take you back.. do do do do.. take you back.."  VICTOR.. that's THREE, count 'em, THREE DAMN SONGS in this blog.. NO!..  My hearing just gets worse and worse over the years.. Huh?  What'd he say?  Point is, ya walk in the Corner Bar, and..(close your ears).. do do do do, take you back.. right back to 1960-something. The characters are maybe different, then again, maybe not.  They shuffle in, shuffle out.. and oh yeah, from time to time play a game of shuffleboard.  Or pool. Ya reckon that's the same pool table from back in the day?  WOW. seen a lotta stuff on that pool table. Some ya can't print here!
Maybe I'll settle down
Maybe I'll just leave town
Maybe I'll have some fun
Maybe I'll meet someone and make him mine
Me, I'll be just
"I hardly even recognize Liberty anymore."  Hey, look, there's the Franklin Ballfield!..I can just "see" Archie on his John Deere...  China up at the intersection.  Back thataway is where Stanley Savage (forgot his gym shoes that day) won the 600 yard dash IN HIS STOCKING FEET!  He did!  He really did.  Over there was the merrygo round, it's gone, but there's that dodgeball circle where we all got in trouble for dancing "The Twist" at recess.. Come on baby, let's do the twist..come on baby,  let's do the twist, take me by the little hand it goes like this."  FOUR SONGS, one blog.. Victor, that's as annoying as that damn traffic in Liberty.
Fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
"No, no, no! That's not progress!"  Imgonna.. Imgonna go sit in the bleachers at the City Park.  Wooo wee lotta ballgames played there.  Remember when the fireworks were here on the 4th?  All the horses and all the dogs? OK, the dog poop is gone, don't smell no more.
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
'I don't recognize the place, sorry, I ain't never coming back."  Hey, after I go getme a filter for my furnace at Freverts, I'm gonna takes me a walk.  I'll stroll past the Second Baptist Church.. then the Christian Church.. HeY!  there's onea them old posts in the ground they useta tie horses to!  Let's see if I still got the touch.  YEP!  Ya see, you take that ring on top, flip it, and try to flip it only one time so it comes back to where it started.  I think I was 7 the first time I was able to do that.  "Don't go changin, to try and please me, you never let me down before... I couldn't love you any better...I love you just the way you are."  I've lost track of the number of songs Victor, I'm moving to Texas, or Colorado, or California, mebbe some place back East. Don't let the door.. I mean, hey, have fun!
I'll be fine and dandy
Lord, it's like a hard candy Christmas
I'm barely getting through tomorrow
But still I won't let
Sorrow bring me way down
Jewell Hall.  I remember as a kid how dadgum big that hill useta look.  Ya know?  It still does.  I remember them college kids.. we usedta call 'em 'squirrels'... well, we thought theys rich, but nope, come Winter time, big snow, they didn't have no sleds.. they used trays from the cafeteria to motivate down the hill!  We'd go ten times faster on our sleds.. ten times further...Heck, Johnny once made it all the way to Lightburne...
'Cause I'll be fine
I'll be fine
Oh, I'll be fine

There's Miller Street!  Hey, that's where I grew up, right across the street from the college.  Remember them dadgum Chiefs?  Their curfew was 10pm, hadta be back in the dorms.  They'd come up our 25mph street sometimes at 60mph in their fancified cars five minutes before curfew. Dangerous.  WHEW I'm glad that traffic is gone!


Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof (remember camping in the backyard?_
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth (Remember paddle in the Principal's office at Franklin?)
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you (Free Pepsi and Hot Dogs World Series time at Woodys!)
(Because I'm happy)
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do
Yes, it's changed.  No, it ain't the same.  To each his her own, and I don't blame ya if the traffic, people bugya.  Truly I don't.   Heck, I still get mad at all the newbies that come to a complete stop at every corner of the dadgum Square.  It's enough to make me wanna... make me wanna... go have a... Victor, we've already talked about the Corner Bar.  Oh yeah.
I'll be fine and dandy.. even with all the nuances and hiccups of our town now.
Mose, another Miller Lite please.  Thanks.  Hiccup.
Love, Victurd

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